No 5 (2018)
12-18 432
The calculation of shadow images of the surfaces of semiconductor silicon wafers obtained by Makyoh topography is carried out. A quantitative relationship between the intensity of the shadow spots on the topogram and the micro geometric parameters of the silicon wafers has been established. The software for quantitative 3D-control and control criteria of the silicon wafer surfaces is proposed.
24-30 3162
Practical implementation methods for parallel computations in the genetic algorithm for discrete optimization, using the example of calculating dimensional chains are considered. An approach for determining the boundary dimensions of population on the basis of probability calculating for independent random events is proposed.
31-37 500
The algorithm of direction finding of a useful signal source in a low-element monoimpulse direction finder with a quadrant antenna array based on a multilayer perceptron is considered. A distinctive feature of the algorithm is the use of modules and phases of elements of the normalized upper-triangular correlation matrix of processes at the outputs of the receiving channels as input information. The results of comparative analysis of the accuracy of direction finding of the useful signal achieved by using neural network and statistical algorithms of functioning are presented.
38-43 418
The use of anti-fuses as programmable elements is becoming popular in field programmable gate arrays and programmable read-only memories. The characteristics of various structures of anti-fuses and compromise between performance and reliability will be discussed in this paper.
50-56 489
For semiconductor devices of high power, the authors experimentally obtained of models of functional degradation parameter in the form of the conditional density of its distribution under the assumption of three hypotheses about the distribution law at the points of operating time: normal, two-parameter exponential and Weibull-Gnedenko. Using the average prediction error, the authors compared the effectiveness of degradation models in determining of the parametric reliability of new samples of semiconductor devices of the same type.
57-64 2256
The article is devoted to the increasing of the spatial orientation angles estimation accuracy of the aircraft with reference to radar systems. The structural device scheme of the spatial orientation angles estimation of the radar observation object was worked out. Using the method of mathematical modeling there was examined the errors measuring spherical coordinates object influencing to its spatial orientation angles estimation. It is shown that the using of filtered rectangular coordinates meanings of the aircraft allows increasing its spatial orientation angles estimation accuracy. The advantages and disadvantages of the aircraft spatial orientation angles estimation by the proposed method are shown in the interests of radar profiles adaptation to the observation conditions.
65-71 352
The main goal of investigation is defining dependency of geometrical parameters of MEMS-mirrors components in opto-electro-mechanical switches to losses appeared in such systems. Geometrical parameters of mirrors such as roughness and curvature, which had appeared on stage of development, have influence on losses in fiber-optic communication lines. The modeling dependency of reflection possibility of micro-mirrors to values of roughness and curvature has been conducted.
72-76 2473
Practical technique for processing of multi-dimensional data using the example of image texture data obtained from microscopic ovarian cancer images is described.
77-84 2256
The effect of pulsed LED light sources, widely used for illumination in projection optical indicator systems on perception of human vision, is analyzed. An analysis of the impulse signal of reflectors illumination has been carried out. Modeling and analysis of flickerings of a binary pulse-code modulated signal has been performed. Recommendations for reducing of visible flickering of the LED backlight up to the minimum level have been given.
85-91 397
The paper presents a technology based on an ensemble of neural networks that solves the problem of predicting a multidimensional time series of telemetry data. A distinctive feature of this is the possibility of additional training in the case of analyzing parameters in a non-stationary environment, providing operational processing of the entire set of telemetry parameters of the technical object, increasing the accuracy of identification and prediction of the state of the object by telemetric information with incomplete and noisy input data. This reduces the costs of monitoring the status and behavior of the control object.
92-98 418
The radar image formation algorithms for rotating parts of an aerial vehicle in the radar sensor with inverse synthesis of antenna aperture using the monochromatic probing signal are considered. The developed algorithms allow forming radar images of screws oriented horizontally (helicopter main rotor) and vertically (helicopter tail rotor, aircraft propeller). Such radar images will significantly improve the quality of radar recognition of low-flying objects. The estimation of efficiency of algorithms obtained by mathematical modeling is presented.
ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)