
Doklady BGUIR

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No 7 (2017)
5-11 376
It proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of stabilization modes of active elements by the developed differential analysis method of analog circuit, released for regular (slowly changing) current with the use of equivalent circuit, taking into account of circuit configuration and the type of feedback, acting under the given conditions.
12-19 389
It's proposed an algorithm for probabilistic coding of the lengths of series with confirmation of repetition and preliminary sorting. The efficiency of this algorithm using for compression without loss of bit planes of halftone images is investigated.
20-24 297
The boundary-value problem on impurity and point defect diffusion in the 2-layer semiconductor structure was formulated and analyzed. The analytical solution of the set of equations describing diffusion of intrinsic point defects was obtained for the case of the constant coefficients of these equations. Calculation of the typical distribution of point defects in the 2-layer structure was carried out.
25-31 378
The general case of determining of probability of hit by a given section of a random variable subordinated to the composition of normal and uniform distribution laws having arbitrary distribution centers is considered. A technique for confidence interval calculating for estimating of the random value subordinated to the composition of normal and uniform distributions is proposed.
32-39 2417
New effective algorithms for generating paths of robotic manipulators for point-contact welding were proposed. They are based on the statistical model of the configuration space. Proposed algorithms, in contrast to the known ones, allow to take into account effectively geometric characteristics of the robotic complexes, kinematic and spatial limits, as well as the limits of the welding technology. The effectiveness of the developed algorithms confirmed by the results of testing in the experimental simulation tools.
40-44 444
The methods of comprehensive security estimation of departmental networks are examined. Objects and methods of monitoring of the departmental networks defined by taking into account the conditions and the specific activity of the state bodies. The method for evaluation of information security of departmental networks based on the theoretical graph models and expert security risks assessment are proposed in this article.
45-52 2262
A mathematical model of pollutants' migration from environmentally hazardous facilities considering surface water flow and infiltration is developed. The methods for the numerical solution of differential equations describing the transport of pollutants and their entry into the groundwater from the surface of the soil due to the infiltration of precipitation are introduced. The developed mathematical model was implemented with the use of MATLAB and COMSOL software.
53-59 307
Measuring signals reflecting local processes of complex industrial aggregates bear important information about the long-term functional stability of such dynamic objects. However, to detect such information in signals with a priori unknown probability models of nonstationarity is a problem. It's possible solution is the creation of information technologies for the parametrization and normalization of random spectral changes in signals with significant limitations on the observation time. Such technologies will reduce the risks of decision making during monitoring and diagnosing of functional conditions of industrial, transportation, and process facilities. The identification of regularities in random models of nonstationarity is the acquisition of fundamentally new additional information on the functional properties of a dynamic object that facilitates the solution of many problem identification problems of objects and the optimal synthesis of information computerized systems under conditions of a priori uncertainty.
60-65 451
This paper formulates nonlinear equations for the microwave generator of a new type - relativistic helitron and performs analysis and optimization on this basis. It is a device with centrifugal electrostatic focusing of an axisymmetric helical relativistic electron beam interacting with the Hn1 l mode of the electromagnetic field of a coaxial resonator. On the basis of numerical simulation and optimization it's shown that its efficiency exceeds the efficiency of relativistic traveling wave tube (TWT) and back wave tube (BWT).
66-72 2243
The mathematical model of calculation of relativistic traveling wave tubes (TWT) of O-type on folded rectangular waveguides with sheet electronic beams taking into account a space charge was formulated. Parameters optimization was spent and the maximum efficiency of variants of devices for the different sizes of the electronic beam, accelerating voltages 500 kV, currents of electronic beam 200 A were obtained. It was shown, that the efficiency of one- and two-section TWTs can reach of 56 %, gain - of 30-50 dB.
73-77 3271
The solution of transportation problem for unmanned multiobject systems is described. The factor for calculating of the cost matrix taking into account the specifics of multi-object systems of unmanned vehicles is chosen.
78-82 2338
The results obtained in studies of laser-induced fluorescence of the normal and carries-affected dental tissues are presented. The possibility of detection of considerable depth caries with use of the specially designed spectrometric system with excitation by a semiconductor laser source with a wavelength of 684 nm for fluorescence is shown.
83-87 475
The article describes an approach to reliability analysis of clustered systems with a direct connection one and two storage devices, and server systems in the case when the query time extremely limited. The reliability of servers with such connection of storage devices is analyzed taking into account the execution of the request for the minimum possible time.
88-92 1352
Erbium doped titania and strontium titanate thin films were synthesized by the sol-gel method on the quartz glass, monocrystalline silicon and porous anodic alumina/silicon structures. Morphology of the surface and optical properties of the films were investigated. Luminescence spectra of the thin films show an intense band at 1.53 µm corresponding to the electronic transitions (4I13/24I15/2) of the erbium trivalent ions.
93-96 312
The method of complex assessment of anthropogenic effect on the territory units is suggested. Particular indications taken as the basic of complex assessment correspond to the «Environmental Indicators and Indicators-based Assessment Reports - Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia» (ECE/CEP/140) [1]. On the basis of these data complex indicator is obtained in accord with the method of finite predicates. This indicator characterizes the contamination level of the environment on particular area as well as comfort of living in the area.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)