
Doklady BGUIR

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No 2 (2013)
5-9 328
Nonlinear programming problems are considered under the relaxed Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification. It was established that a new constraint qualification CRSC is another form of relaxed Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification and proved that the relaxed Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification implies the local error bound property under not essential additional assumptions.
10-13 2092
Photocatalytically active porous films as thick as 20 µm were fabricated from the paste composed of sodium silicate solute and nanodispersed TiO2 powder and SAS fired at 200 °С on glass substrates. It was shown, that the porosity of films can be extended by the introduction of surface-active substance. The photocatalytic activity of the films was estimated by decomposition the organic dye which was aqueous solution of methylene blue subjected to ultraviolet radiation.
14-20 3010
The results of researches on a choice and implementation of mathematical methods of the preliminary analysis and statistical processing of experimental data are presented. Data are received at processing and interpretation of industrial measurements of results from integrated circuits production. This technique allows not only to exclude the abnormal observations in the sample data, but also to carry out the procedure of smoothing the results of measurements or simulations.
21-25 3779
Photovoltaic effect in silicon doped by the action of compression plasma pulses is investigated for the first time. Plasma treatment parameters providing maximum values of photo-emf are optimized. Dependences of photo-emf on the dose of electron high-energy post-irradiation are studied.
26-30 3192
The analysis of the powdered sludge treatment cupola gases magnetic properties (relative permeability dependence on the value of external magnetic field and ambient temperature) study results is presented. It is proposed to use this material for the shielding constructions formation, promoting radioelectronic devices electromagnetic compatibility.
31-37 3752
Method of determining the spectral reflectance of the polarization properties of materials masking objects from visual observations of the optical channels is proposed and tested. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by field experiments with speсtral videopolarizing equipment.
38-44 445
A fast iterative algorithm of object detection in video sequence is proposed. It is based on local histogram properties and SPSO adaptation to image singularities. The parameters of algorithm are defined in terms of detection efficiency and computational complexity.
45-51 3901
The proposed model of the character string allows to determine its degree of compliance of the formal grammar. The model can be used for pattern recognition and image processing based on syntactic techniques when the character string is not derived by the grammar.
52-56 2481
Stand to measure transmission and reflection coefficients, as well as the held power level of the electromagnetic radiation shields constructions where on the surface or in the volume fluids move forcibly are designed. The above parameters are measured with fluid composition and velocity as well as the electromagnetic wave incidence angle on the investigated electromagnetic radiation shield.
57-63 2304
An iterative algorithm of dispatching control, exceeding standart algorithms in terms of throughput, passengers service quality and energy efficiency is created.
64-69 381
Results of hydrothermal deposition of undoped and Al doped ZnO nanocrystals on a single-crystal silicon wafers with a hydrogen passivated surface are presented. Hydrothermal deposition of undoped ZnO nanocrystals were carried-out in a equimolar solutions containing zinc nitride Zn(NO3)2 and hexamethylenetetramine C6H12N4. Aluminum nitride Al(NO3)3 were used as Al precursor during deposition of Al doped ZnO nanocrystals. The difference of the morphology of doped and undoped ZnO nanocrystals was shown. Photoluminescence properties of the doped and undoped ZnO nanocrystals were also studied.
69-72 1196
The calculation methods of orientation angles of transmitter and noise receiver antennas, and also calculation of the true incremental angle are explained. Dependence of an computation error of the incremental angle values is received, when using the approximate calculation formula .
73-78 2168
An experience in lymphangiogenesis morphometry applying their original software is described. For the implementation in clinical practice protocols, it is necessary to carry out a large-scale studies, where the objects of research are in the earliest stages of pathology.
79-85 387
The principle of the unscented transformation and features of Unscented Kalman filter performance using polar measurement is considered. The estimation performance of Extended Kalman filter and Unscented Kalman Filter is compared.
86-92 372
The acoustic field created by aircraft engine causes generation of seismic field in the ground surface layer. The seismic field may be successfully used to locate nap-of-the-earth (with less than 200 m flight altitude) aircraft. Description of method for passive target location is presented. The range of target detection in accordance with the experimental research of nap-of-the-earth aircraft (airplanes, helicopters) is predicted.
93-98 2271
Simulation model of sliding-mode controller for DC/DC boost converter has been developed. Dynamic properties of the controller improved with the use of current and voltage control.
99-101 304
The effect of alabaster mixtures to spectral-polarization characteristics of the pasty carbon materials in the optical and near-band wavelength λ = 440 ... 2440 nm is studied. A correlation obtained spectral polarization characteristics with the same characteristics of natural objects is shown.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)