One of directions of improving parameters of analog integrated circuits is a development of new and modernization of existing designs of integrated elements without significantly changing of a technological route of integrated circuit manufacturing with a simultaneous creation of new integrated elements models. The article considers the results of experimental studies of the double gate junction field-effect transistor manufactured according to the 3CBiT technological route of JSC Integral. Based on the obtained results, the electrical model of double gate junction field-effect transistor is proposed, which describes the features of its application in analog integrated circuits. Comparison of I-V characteristics of measurements results and created model simulation are presented. A small capacity and a reverse current of a double gate junction field-effect transistor top gate, an ability to compensate for the DC (direct current) component of an input current provide a significant improvement in the characteristics of analog integrated circuits such as electrometric operational amplifiers and charge-sensitive amplifiers. The developed double gate junction field-effect transistor can be used in signal readout devices required in the analog interfaces of space instrument sensors and nuclear electronics.
At present, neural networks are increasingly used to solve many problems instead of traditional methods for solving them. This involves comparing the neural network and the traditional method for specific tasks. In this paper, computer modeling of the Bayesian decision rule and the probabilistic neural network is carried out in order to compare their operational characteristics for recognizing Gaussian patterns. Recognition of four and six images (classes) with the number of features from 1 to 6 was simulated in cases where the images are well and poorly separated. The sizes of the training and test samples are chosen quiet big: 500 implementations for each image. Such characteristics as training time of the decision rule, recognition time on the test sample, recognition reliability on the test sample, recognition reliability on the training sample were analyzed. In framework of these conditions it was found that the recognition reliability on the test sample in the case of well separated patterns and with any number of the instances is close to 100 percent for both decision rules. The neural network loses 0,1–16 percent to Bayesian decision rule in the recognition reliability on the test sample for poorly separated patterns. The training time of the neural network exceeds the training time of the Bayesian decision rule in 4–5 times and the recognition time – in 4–6 times. As a result, there are no obvious advantages of the probabilistic neural network over the Bayesian decision rule in the problem of Gaussian pattern recognition. The existing generalization of the Bayesian decision rule described in the article is an alternative to the neural network for the case of non-Gaussian patterns.
A single mathematical model of time characteristics of signals, links and responses of telecommunications and radioelectronics systems is suggested. It embodies Dirac- and Heaviside responses of all types of linear links, as well as their responses to the input in the form of periodic signals, no periodic finite and no periodic eternal signals. On the basis of the suggested model the algorithm for calculation of time characteristics was developed, which allows creation of effective automated simulations procedure of signals, links and responses in time-domain. The comparative quantitative analysis of accuracy of the suggested algorithm and discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) algorithm was carried out.
The work is devoted to the development of circuits for fast Walsh transform processors of the serialparallel type. The fast Walsh transform processors are designed for decoding error-correcting codes and synchronization; their use can reduce the cost of calculating the instantaneous Walsh spectrum by almost 2 times. The class of processors for computing the instantaneous spectrum according to Walsh is called serialparallel processors. Circuits of the fast Walsh transform processors of serial-parallel type have been developed. A comparative analysis of the constructed graphs of the fast Walsh transform processors is carried out. A method and a processor for calculating the Walsh transform coefficients are proposed, which allows increasing the speed of the transformations performed. When calculating the conversion coefficients using processors of parallel, serial and serial-parallel types, it was found that controllers of the serial-parallel type require 2(N–1) operations when calculating the instantaneous spectrum according to Walsh. The results obtained can be used in the design of discrete information processing devices, in telecommunication systems when coding signals for their noise-immune transmission and decoding, which ensures the optimal number of operations, and therefore the optimal hardware costs.
Interperiod coherent integration of the received signal provides an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio and is simply implemented with a fixed repetition period of the probing signals. In practice, pulsed radars use a variable repetition period to protect against blind speeds. The algorithms of the interperiod coherent integration with a variable repetition period have been developed and their features have been revealed, which are advisable to take into account in the practical implementation in the radars. These features determine the complexity of the interperiod coherent integration algorithm, the radial velocity (Doppler frequency) survey interval and the spectrum features. An algorithm is developed with simultaneous interperiod coherent integration of the received signal and a single-delay clutter cancelation in the spectral domain in the case of variable repetition period of the probing signals. The quantitative indicators obtained by modeling are presented and a comparative analysis is carried out.
Solderable tin-base alloy coatings are widely used when assembling electronic products. The reorientation of production to lead-free technologies sets the task of developing new technological processes for the formation of coatings for electrical contacts with stable electrical properties, high soldering ability, which lasts for a long time. The features of the process of electrodeposition of coatings with a tin-copper alloy were experimentally investigated and the regularities of the influence of the electrolyte composition, current density, and ultrasound intensity on the cathode current efficiency of the alloy, the deposition rate, elemental composition, structure and functional properties of the precipitation were established. For sonochemical treatment an experimental setup developed at Research Laboratory 5.2 of BSUIR, which makes it possible to vary the intensity of ultrasonic vibrations in the range of 0.058– 1.7 W/cm2 , was used. It has been established that the use of ultrasound changes the formation mechanism of the electrochemical alloy, reduces cathodic polarization, increases the value of the limiting current and makes it possible to control the composition and structure of the precipitates. With an increase in the intensity from 0.12 to 0.95 W/cm2 the amount of copper in the coating increases by 4.5 times. The spreading coefficient of the solder is 92.59–98.44 %.
Как известно, применение цифровых антенных решеток (ЦАР) при создании радиосредств с электронным сканированием луча позволяет реализовать высокую скорость пространственновременной обработки сигналов, способствует увеличению количества получаемой информации о распределении источников излучения или отражения в окружающей среде, улучшению разрешающей способности, быстродействия, пропускной способности, дальности, помехозащищенности и других параметров и характеристик радиотехнических систем различного назначения. Приемо-передающий модуль (ППМ) является ключевым звеном ЦАР и в значительной степени определяет технические характеристики системы в целом. Поэтому разработка сообразного технического решения ППМ становится узловым этапом проектирования радиосистемы с ЦАР, который гарантирует успешность ее реализации. В статье рассмотрены оригинальная структура и техническое решение ППМ, кратко описаны режимы функционирования, параметры, конструкция и результаты численного моделирования теплового режима модуля. Разработанное устройство обеспечивает высокую энергетику, малый коэффициент шума, большой динамический диапазон, возможность быстрого псевдослучайного синхронного изменения параметров зондирующего сигнала (включая частоту, закон модуляции, длительность, период повторения, поляризацию). Приемо-передающий модуль предполагается использовать в качестве элемента ЦАР радиолокационных систем метрового диапазона.
A modified Nicholson – Ross – Weir method was used to determine complex parameters and dielectric permittivity of ceramic materials in the range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The measuring equipment is a meter of complex reflection and transmission coefficients, a waveguide measuring canal with a special measuring cell, consisting of two irregular waveguides and a waveguide chamber between them, which provides insignificant influence of higher-order modes. The dependences of the amplitude and phase of the reflection and transmission coefficients on frequency were obtained experimentally for fluoroplastic and three ceramic samples in the frequency range 78.33–118.1 GHz. The obtained S-parameters are processed according to an algorithm that includes their averaging based on the Fourier transform in order to obtain the values of the dielectric permittivity. Fluoroplastic was used as a reference material with a known dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of fluoroplastic has a stable value of 2.1 in the above mentioned frequency range. The dielectric constant of sample No. 1 varies from 3.6 to 2.5 at the boundaries of the range, sample No. 2 – from 3.7 to 2.1, sample No. 3 – from 2.9 to 1.5. The experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the literature data for other frequencies taking into account the limits set by the measurement uncertainty.
A system of operational control of psychophysiological indicators of operators is presented. It includes a set of test methods for selecting psychologically compatible operators of high-responsibility systems. The selection of operators on a PC is carried out. The results of electronic protocols in narrative and graphical form are given. After that, the method of selecting psychologically compatible operators of highresponsibility systems is applied. It uses a mathematical model selection of PC-based operators using regression analysis. The coefficients of this model are taken as a selection criterion. The maximum permissible maximum criterion corresponds to the coefficient of the mathematical model of the work of operators with a relatively high level of professionally important qualities. And the maximum permissible minimum criterion corresponds to the coefficient of the mathematical model of the work of operators with a relatively average level of professionally important qualities. In future, the calculation is completed according to the developed algorithm for the selection of psychologically compatible operators. Operational control of the psychophysiological state (PFS) of operators is performed with the control support of marks from the target in optimal conditions using a hierarchical system of group tracking on the example of links of the automatic control system. As a criterion for assessing the stability of the PFS operators at the time of the control, the range of changes in the value of the RMS error when accompanying the control mark is taken.
The paper presents the results of modeling the processes of controlled thermal cracking of quartz glass under the parallel action of two infrared laser beams of different geometries on the material: with maximum intensity in the center and with zero intensity in the center (annular section). To calculate the temperature distribution in the material, the method of Green's functions was used, which allows us to obtain a well-interpreted solution for almost any type of function of surface heat sources. Further, taking into account the quasi-static approach, using the methods of the classical theory of thermoelasticity, thermoelastic microstresses were calculated, both on the surface and in the depth of the material. It is established that the simultaneous use of these two types of laser exposure makes it possible to control the temperature field more efficiently, and create prerequisites for the most stable formation of a microcrack. The simulation results show that with a bi-beam effect, the micromechanical stresses necessary for the formation of a microcrack are realized in shorter time intervals, both on the surface and in the depth of the material, which allows increasing the processing speed by up to 30 %. Strengthening control over the process of controlled thermal cracking can significantly reduce the percentage of defects and improve the quality of the resulting microeletronics products.
A method of long-term combined accumulation of the reflected signal is justified, which provides for its division into disjoint subsets, coherent accumulation in subsets using one of the fast algorithms and subsequent incoherent accumulation of the squares of the modules of the results of processing the subsets. A distinctive method’s feature is the use with incoherent accumulation of maxima of the squares of the moduli of the coherent processing results, that are selected from the range / radial velocity regions in accordance with a given hypothesis about the minimum and maximum values of the target radial velocity and the radial acceleration detection channel setting.The efficiency of the method was confirmed by simulation modeling. Using the theories of ordinal statistics and the method of moments, a method for calculating the probability of correct detection is developed. Estimates of processing losses are made in comparison with coherent and incoherent accumulation algorithms for a signal reflected from a point target, for the case when there is no range and frequency migration. Estimates for the required number of receiver channels are given.
The regularities of changes in the concentration of an electrically active dopant in a nanostructured silicon film by changing the electrical resistivity depending on the doping conditions were investigated. The dependences of the changes in the obtained structures doped with rare-earth elements, such as La, Eu, Sm, Dy, Gd (lanthanides), on nanostructured silicon films are determined. The regularities of the obtained films changes and the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) change depending on the formation conditions are established. The regularities of the TCR are shown depending on the selected conditions for doping or non-doping of nanostructured silicon films with various impurities. It is shown that the main conditions under which the effect and change in the temperature coefficient of resistors resistance on thin films using rare-earth elements, such as oxygen, boron and phosphorus in the bulk of the film, is considered to be the temperature effect after deposition.
The analysis of the influence of predictors on the probability of retinal detachment in children of the Minsk region was carried out on the basis of a study of the medical records of 660 children's patients treated at the Health care Institutions "4th Children's City Clinical Hospital" and “Minsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital” for the period 2009–2019. Of these, 313 patients were older than 1 year with an established diagnosis of retinal detachment, 107 children under the age of 1 year, 240 children older than 1 year without retinal detachment at the time of treatment and the presence of predictors of its development (comparison group). To assess the influence of factors, a methodology based on the calculation of the odds ratio was used. The most significant risk factors were assigned a score equivalent from one to four, which allowed quantifying the probability of retinal detachment and identifying risk groups depending on the total score. The use of the proposed method allowed the children of the comparison group to identify changes in the vitreoretinal interface, which required primary laser preventive treatment in 46.7% of cases (113 eyes) during the three-year follow-up period, in 45.4% of children (109 eyes) it was limited only to dynamic observation without treatment. In 95.0% of children in the comparison group, it was possible to prevent the development of retinal detachment.
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)