
Doklady BGUIR

Advanced search
No 5 (2012)
9-15 1309
The paraboloidal reflector antenna is considered. The feed element is a horn. Using physical optics (PO) method the near field distribution and antenna pattern are studied when the antenna is focused to near-field and far-field region.
16-20 3149
Various methods of fabrication the luminescent film structures based on porous anodic alumina are analyzed. Manufacturing of luminescent structures by anodizing aluminum in oxalic acid allows observation of visible to the naked eye photoluminescence in the blue range, which remains under ambient conditions for a year or longer. Alumina xerogel prepared in a form of powder demonstrates luminescence in the blue range, which disappears totally after annealing at 800 ºC. Photoluminescence of porous anodic alumina which contains terbium ions in the xerogel of alumina or deposited from solutions of salts formed in the anodic alumina pores has been investigated. The perspectives of formation of planar microstructures using a porous anodic alumina supporting electromagnetic whispering gallery modes are discussed.
21-27 536
Nanomeshy aluminum film is the promising alternative to a tin-doped indium oxide film (ITO) as transparent conductive electrodes. In this paper we describe the fabrication of a nanomeshy aluminum film by electrochemical anodization of aluminum deposited by magnetron sputtering on a glass substrate. The process of anodization is strictly controlled by the characteristic changes of process parameters, followed by selective chemical etching of aluminum oxide. We proposed the model for a nanomeshy Al film and calculated numerically the dependences of their optical transmittance and surface resistance on the characteristic dimensions of the network structure. The proposed method allows fabricating the uniform and stable nanomeshy aluminum film with transparency up to 80% with less than 50 Ohm/ð resistance.
28-34 3927
Achieved the electrodynamic model of PC as source of side electromagnetic radiations based on the method of moments. The results of experiments confirming efficiency of model are given.
35-41 483
This article deals with describing of the means of electrically charged aircraft detection while they are flying at low and extremely low altitudes (20-60 metres). The equation to count the range of detection that depends on parameters of static electrification of low altitude flying aircraft, on relief nature with its objects in the flying track, on the level of natural interferences on the range of infrared frequencies, on sensitivity of the device that registers the phenomena stated by the author is given.
42-45 488
Comparison of various control systems of rubbermixing and description of the interrelation of rubbermixer parametres and process of mixture are given in the article.
46-50 2931
The waveguide method for determining the dielectric constant of materials was considered with using a panorama meter of the reflection and transmission coefficients. The influence of the waveguide channel’s parameters (linear dimensions, the reflection coefficients of materials) on the accuracy of the permittivity in the microwave range was assessed.
51-57 480
The possibilities of construction Gyro-TWT with the high gain are examined. Constructions Gyro-TWT on the first and second harmonics of cyclotron frequency and frequency multiplier from the fundamental harmonic to the second harmonic of cyclotron frequency are described. The analysis of the influence of the corrugation of the absorbing section Gyro-TWT on the gain and efficiency of lamp is carried out.
58-64 476
Model of generalized law of distribution of Sechk and its researched application in statistical radio engineering. Base attributes and statisticians of distribution are given. Algorithms of point estimation of parameter of shift for known and unknown parameters of scale, and also algorithms of a sequential interval estimation of parameter of shift are resulted.
65-72 5161
The method of control object identification using the transient response of closed-loop system is given. The transient functions of typical elements are considered. These elements are the inertial element of first, second and higher order and the oscillating element. Analytical expressions allowing to determine parameters of control objects transfer functions using parameters of transient functions of the closed-loop systems are received. The parameters of various control objects are calculated on a concrete example. The digital regulators are synthesized using the discrete transfer functions of control objects. The digital modeling is realized for calculations verification. Recommendations concerning practical application of the received results are presented.
73-79 412
An algorithm of marking image protecting from copying and illegal distribution of information based on the visual cryptography principles, representing an original image in form of the weighted binary plane set and binary marking mask in form of two shadow image is proposed. The modeling result have shown that the algorithm provides the high protection level of the images without changing of the image quality and qualitative reconstruction of the binary marking mask without the computational tools.
80-85 423
Perspectives of carbon nanotubes arrays in chemical sensors with acoustic information-carrying signal are discussed. The arrays are regarded as nanostructured disperse medium with intertube molecular interaction modulated by molecules adsorbed in the space among the tubes and changing elastic properties of the array. Adsorptive properties of the arrays are described. The possibility of their non-covalent functional modification is proved. Chemical sensitivity of such systems and ways of its selectivity rising are discussed.
86-92 436
The algorithm for the numerical integration of the motion equations of large particles is formulated. The algorithm is presented in three forms: explicit, prediction-correction and a modified, designed to simulate the motion of large relativistic particle in an electromagnetic field. The analysis of the order of accuracy of the proposed algorithm is presented. The results the comparison with the popular algorithms is shown. The efficiency of the algorithm is formulated.
93-98 355
An algoritm presented by the adjacent-group transformation of the spectral properties of a cyclic shift of the signal is considered. The transformation is used to generate signals with a frequency-phase-shift keying and to search for complex signals.
99-102 436
Parametrical modeling of management efficiency by the vehicle is considered. Models of operators-drivers with various degrees of motivational perception are given. The factorial analysis of errors of management is carried out.
103-109 4048
Extended constant rank condition is introduced and its applications to the sensitivity analysis of parametric nonlinear programming problems are studied.
110-115 2121
The effectiveness characteristics of flexible shielding materials based on textile matrixes impregnated with aqueous solutions of organic acids, boric acid and potassium salts of various concentration in the frequency bands 8-11 и 27-36 GHz are studied. Diluted solutions (0,1 М) of acids and salts slightly differ from distilled water as the EMR suppression is produced due to high dielectric losses of water. The smallest transmission coefficient was obtained for the sample with a 1 М solution of potassium ferricyanide (III) - down to minus 17,8 dB in the frequency band of 8-11 GHz and down to minus 31 dB in the frequency band of 27-36 GHz because of its high reflective properties.
116-121 478
The problem of determining the total number of rational fractions with values are equal to x is considered. The importance of this problem is demonstrated for the procedures processing statistical data, representing the ratio of two discrete variables with a variable denominator. It is found out, that that required number of fractions is equal to the Dirichlet function value at the x point, and the original rule is proposed to construct it, which has a simple geometric interpretation. A proposed implementation of this algorithm shows its computational efficiency, and its importance is noted for problems requiring generation of relatively prime numbers.
122-128 324
Principles of operation of digital devices with a phase control are considered. The method of arguments select of system ground the exactitude requests, switching on constructing of charts of quality and allowing for diverse kinds of nonlinearity of characteristics of constituent units is tendered. The tendered method is illustrated on an instance of a select of sampling rate of the digital device.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)