
Doklady BGUIR

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No 6 (2012)
5-11 480
Results of numerical analysis of the frequency dependences coefficient module the reflection of electromagnetic waves with linear polarizations of the electrodynamics parameters of anisotropic medium plasma of this kind. A comparison of these curves for an isotropic and anisotropic fillers. The regularities transformations for fixed frequencies characteristics of the electrodynamics parameters of a stream of particles that penetrate а magnet the dielectric filler. Foregoing results can be the basis for the creation of radio systems for the detection and identification of anisotropic heterogeneities on the background underlying isotropic medium.
12-18 392
Since the built-in flash-memory microcontroller is an installed program code, we performed an analysis of its resistance to ESD. It was found that the code is damage when exposed to ESD voltage of less critical by 3.06%. This can lead to incorrect triggering and implementing programmed functions. It was determined that changes in the code is not only due to effective protection from exposure to pulsed discharges of static electricity, as well as the number of impacts. Effects caused by exposure to ESD MC were identified by dividing the test on the IC functional blocks and proposed methods of functional control of the MC. Procedure was developed for determining conservation performance IC, based on applying the most efficient model with optimized parameters. It was proved that this method is more efficient and perfect in the consideration of functional units, and allows to define the scope of preserving the integrity of semiconductor structures when exposed to ESD.
19-24 432
A method for calculation and analysis of the spectral brightness of composite materials consisting of components combined in various proportions with known optical properties is described.
25-29 5104
Most of water-containing shielding materials are not very stable and shielding performance and operating characteristics can change with air temperature and humidity variation. To solve the problem of solution fillers retention in the porous material we suggest the use of polymer hydrogels based on polyacrylate acid. It is shown that the samples on the basis of the polymer hydrogel keep stable their shielding performance during six mounth not only at room temperature, but also in terms of temperature change within -15ºC...+50.
30-35 346
In article variants of designs of sensitive elements for capacitor sensors of acceleration in plane-parallel and volumetric structure are offered. By results of the analysis of functional characteristics the range of sensitivity of sensors is established depending on design parameters.
36-41 4006
Typical block diagrams of communication systems with frequency hopping are considered. Synthesis of algorithm and the processing device of signals with frequency hopping in fading channels are resulted. The comparative evaluation of noise stability of receiving signals with frequency hopping is given.
42-49 384
The multiclass categorization method without learning was proposed. It allows to use a qualitative criterions of categorization. The whole class alphabetic and etalons ensemble is not required. The method is orientated on objects with an hierarchy structure of management system. Principles of Boolean algebra are in the base of the method. The example of en industrial enterprises categorization is represented.
50-55 3134
Photocatalytically active porous films as thick as 20 µm were fabricated from the paste composed of sodium silicate solute and nanodispersed TiO2 powder fired at 200 to 400°С on glass substrates. It was shown, that the porosity of films can be extended by chemical etching, that allows an increase of the effective surface up to 30 m2/g. The photocatalytic activity of the films was estimated by decomposition the organic dye which was aqueous solution of methylene blue subjected to ultraviolet radiation.
56-62 353
We consider a multi-channel time-frequency adaptive filter with fast convergence. To reduce the time used to adapt a dual-group adjacent spectral transform. The comparison of the proposed filter with a known adaptive filter is given.
63-68 394
The technique analysis of reliability of probabilistic production systems, allowing to define the parameters of the technological operations, providing a level of reliability of technological cycle is proposed. Practical significance consists in the implementation of the procedure for the assessment of probability values reliability of parameters of components production system ensuring optimum variants of organization structure of the technological cycle within specified quality criteria for its implementation.
69-75 339
The new method for approximation the transfer function of the prototype filters and resulting introduction of the transfer zeros in Rising Ripple function are described. The frequency characteristics of the circuits with the proposed modified Rising Ripple transfer function are shown. The difference equation and the amplitude-frequency characteristic of IIR filter with the given transfer function are presented.
76-82 352
A new principle of unique determination of the interval extension of the radial velocity at a given interval range based on the unique use as a sounding signal set of mutually orthogonal radio pulses is performed.
82-94 3007
The analysis and comparison of existing contactless methods of substance level measurement is carried out. Advantages and lacks of optical, ultrasonic and microwave measurement methods are considered in details. The conclusion about expediency of a certain use contactless method of level measurement depending on set conditions is made. Microwave methods of substance level measurement are allocated as the most universal and perspective. А microwave contactless measuring instrument of substances level is considered.
88-94 394
The way of approximate "Cosecant" radiation pattern realization in the linear array with the series excitation is proposed and studied.
95-99 1384
Indexation algorithm based on inverted file pronciple is presented. Algorithm creates separate index databases for each sorting type. Format and meaning of every constituent of index database is detailed. Also, program architecture of developed module is described.
100-106 451
One of the significant channels of information leakage can be radio emission of information source. Channel protection against leakage of information can be provided by shielding the source of information, or by ensuring the secrecy of the object information leakage for direction finding and radar systems. These directions can be realized through the creation of devices based on impedance or dissipative screens. We consider the electromagnetic impedance screens for screening facilities are sources of emissions and improving stealth location of such facilities. The properties of flat, parabolic, cylindrical and conical screens closed and open type.
107-113 363
The paper deals with the application of CUDA-technology on software implementation of direct and reverse passes of artificial neural network (ANN) based on back-propagation algorithm. It is shown that introduction of «imaginary» neurons helps to adapt the topology of the neural network to be trained and calculated with CUDA-technology. It is proved that «imaginary» neurons do not affect on the calculations in the back propagation algorithm.
114-121 3250
The integrated system characteristic of electromagnetic safety of terrestrial radio electronic environment - terrestrial electromagnetic filling as the total equivalent power of electromagnetic radiations of the radio equipment, falling to unit of the area of considered territory is offered. The equations defining quantitative relationship of terrestrial electromagnetic filling formed by cellular base stations with total intensity of an electromagnetic background, formed by this stations at a terrestrial surface, and also with probability of hitting of building location into the restriction area of the nearest base station are received. The equations describing the restrictions on maximum permissible parameters of radio electronic environment, created by base stations at valid restrictions on maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields for the population are resulted.
122-128 496
Algorithms of sector localization and parameterization of reference points in the wavelet domain for aligning the overlapping images based on the utility of corner coefficients to describe the contour structure in the vicinity of the reference point are proposed. It is shown that these algorithms compared to the methods of SIFT and SURF provide a reduction in the computational complexity of localization and parameterization of reference points and increase the stability of their descriptors at parallax.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)