
Doklady BGUIR

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No 8 (2017)
5-12 484
The formation conditions of anodic alumina with a tubular structure have been investigated. It is shown that alumina has the self-ordered tubular structure at temperature of barrier oxide layer to be several tens of degrees more than electrolyte temperature in cases of viscous electrolytes (viscosity more than 10-2 Pa·s at 20 °C) and hundred degrees more in cases of low viscous electrolytes (viscosity less than 10-2 Pa·s at 20°C). It is assumed that temperature of the barrier layer during the formation of the self-ordered tubular alumina can reach several hundred degrees because of the presence of spherical structures in the pores mouths. These spheres are expected to be formed due to the melting of an aluminum substrate during the anodizing process.
13-20 442
The approximate method of finding the shortest path of topological object covering by rectangles of type polygon given in discrete form by many nodal points is described. The discrete form of the description of the polygon eliminates topological design problem connected with the presence of problems of computational accuracy. The article refers to the next phase of the research related to the overall task of developing a software system for the preparation of topology information for microphotograph image generators.
21-25 3293
The results of the storage time and temperature processing influence on the porosity of porous silicon are presented. Porosity of the porous silicon samples was calculated by two gravimetric methods: a semi-destructive and destructive. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of two gravimetric methods is presented.
26-32 407
The perspective gyro-resonance modifications were considered - pulsed gyro-TWT, gyro-TWT at electromagnetic super radiating mode, cascaded gyro-TWT with a corrugated waveguide, broadband gyro-amplifier with a conical waveguide, high-orbit gyrotron with a peniotron cavity, gyroklystron with conical coaxial cavities, gyroklystron with Fabry-Perot cavities, low-voltage gyroklystron and gyrotron with an inhomogeneous magnetic field.
33-40 3208
The technique proposed in this paper makes it possible to mask the trajectory of a dynamic system with a stochastic process with given properties. The calculated relationships shown in this paper demonstrate the effectiveness of such camouflage in comparison with the simple stochastic expansion of the dynamic system model. The obtained results can be used in theoretical and applied studies devoted to the behavior, formation and modeling of trajectories of dynamic systems. The simulation results confirm the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
41-47 381
Modeling of anode and gate characteristics of solid-state vacuum microtriode was made in this work. The calculated characteristics were compared with experimental ones. Dependencies of steepness and internal resistance were calculated. Microtriode gain was found.
48-53 5232
The application of synchronized artificial neural networks for generation of a common cryptographic key and an attack by deferred search on these networks with the purpose of obtaining this key are considered.
54-59 1226
Single-phase Sr2FeMoO6-d powders with various degrees of superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations and oxygen index d were obtained by solid-phase synthesis. With the help of X-ray phase analysis and neutron diffraction studies it has been established that the Fe-O1 and Mo-O2 values decrease with increasing oxygen content and the superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations increases, whereas the Fe-O2 and Mo-O1 bond lengths decrease, which leads to a decrease in the crystal lattice parameters and in the unit cell volume accordingly. This indicates an increase in the covalence of the bond along the axis (c), which stimulates the redistribution of the electron density from the (Fe/Mo-O2) layers to the (Fe/Mo-O1) layers and to an increase in the concentration of spin-polarized electrons with spins¯, which are located in the conduction band on Mo(t2g)¯ electron orbitals. When studying the dynamics of the change in oxygen non-stoichiometry and the degree of superstructural ordering it was found that the rate of desorption of oxygen is several times larger than the rate of Fe/Mo cations ordering.
60-66 1964
The imitation mathematical model of formation, detection and estimation of reception levels of combinatorial constituents the probing amplitude-modulated signal is presented. The levels of the higher combinational components from the side frequency of the probing signal are determined. They were obtained after reflection from a nonlinear current-voltage characteristic and have a higher level of amplitudes in comparison with the traditional harmonic probing signal. Theoretical substantiation of the nonlinearities types recognizing method of radioelectronic devices is given. Calculation results of the second and third order degree coefficients of polynomial approximating the current-voltage characteristic of a radio electronic means are presented.
67-72 2545
The study of regularities of interaction of electromagnetic radiation of the radiofrequency range (0.7…17 GHz) with composites based on titanium dioxide, depending on the type of binder of the latter was realized. The consist of the investigated composites, which is optimal for reduction of the energy of electromagnetic waves reflected from metallic materials was determined on the basis of obtained results.
73-78 3163
The research results of obtaining process of flexible electromagnetic radiation shields with particles incorporation in fiber or foam base by impregnating carbon-containing glued compounds are given. Micrographs of surfaces and cross sections of the samples which show the distribution of carbon particles in the material are shown. Frequency characteristics of reflection and transmission coefficients of such carbonaceous materials are analyzed.
79-84 4279
The methodic of intrusion detection in corporate information systems (CIS) on three levels are done. Models of autonomic and net intrusion detection systems (IDS) including some components are presented. IDS on the base of Snort is worked out and used. During its investigation some tasks were executed: creating the virtual computer net for CIS, analyzing its possible vulnerability; attuning and preparing IDS for CIS with intellectual approach (knowledge in rules view); checking of IDS activity during simulation various attacks and their detection.
85-90 1228
The single crystals of FeIn2S4, AgIn5S8 compounds and (FeIn2S4)1- x AgIn5S8 solid solutions have been grown with Bridgeman method. Their composition and structure were determined. It is seen that the pointed compounds and solid solutions are crystallized in the spinal cubic structure. The elementary cell parameters calculated with the least square method change linearly. The density of FeIn2S4, AgIn5S8 compounds and their solid solutions were calculated with the pycnometric method. The density and the elementary cell parameter with х compasitions change linearly. The temperatures od phase transformation were determined with the differential thermal analysis and the diagram of the AgIn5S8-FeIn2S4 system state was built.
91-98 392
Evaluation of the technical condition of rotary equipment on vibration signals is traditionally important task in the practice of its production and operation. At the present an increase in the effectiveness of vibration-based diagnostics is achieved by automating the solution of this problem and also by the use of matched sets of informative features, which causes the urgency of the development of algorithms for their detection. The algorithm of sparse wavelet decomposition is proposed to detect shock processes in vibration signals. The algorithm is tested on the experimental material. The results of the experiment are compared with the matched wavelet filtration.
99-102 474
The investigation results of the shielding properties of powder materials based on electrocorund in frequency range 0.7…17 GHz are presented.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)