
Doklady BGUIR

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No 2 (2019)
5-16 4319
The biography and information about the main achievements of the doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a foreign member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Labunov are presented.
17-27 510
The main results of the researches in the scientific direction «Modeling and optimizing nonlinear electromagnetic processes» for 2013-2018 years are presented. On the basis of numerical simulation, the effect of systematic (independent of the frequency and phase of the field) braking and reflection of an ensemble of free electrons, initially moving in the direction of an elementary electric radiator, is established. One of the practical applications of the found effect in a terahertz generator with asynchronous interaction, the spherotron, is shown. The role of the established effect in the processes of asynchronous interaction of free electrons with the field of electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere and the solar corona is indicated.
28-38 389
The use of porous silicon in the field of superconducting nanoelectronics is considered. The attention focuses on the influence of the morphology of the pores (porosity, average pore diameter) on the superconducting properties of ultrathin films deposited on these templates. It's shown that within this fabrication procedure we can obtain networks of one-dimensional superconducting nanowires, which exhibit features typical of Quantum Phase Slip (QPS) phenomena. This creates preconditions for the development and implementation of new highly-sensitive radiation detectors, magnetometers, QPS qubits, QPS transistors and quantum current standards.
39-49 4342
A technique for estimating the level of the electromagnetic background created by wireless information services for the population is proposed. This technique is based on the forecast of the total traffic terrestrial density created by these systems, which is connected with the level of electromagnetic loading on territory in observation point vicinity; the quality of intranetwork electromagnetic compatibility, the radiochannels spectral efficiency and degree of development of their infrastructure are also taken into account.
50-58 652
The article presents the main scientific results and practical achievements obtained by undergraduate and graduate students of Computer Science department of BSUIR under the supervision of professor A.A. Ivaniuk during the period from 2014 to 2018. The original circuit solutions in the field of synthesis of digital physically unclonable functions are presented. The area of physically unclonable functions was first time published in the journal «Informatics» by professor of Software for information technologies department of BSUIR, doctor of technical sciences V.N. Yarmolik, which is a famous domestic scientist in area of reliable digital devices and systems design. New methods and algorithms for unclonable identification and authentication of digital devices are described. The paper also presents the results obtained in the field of random number sequences generation. In addition, the results on the methods of hardware watermarks injection and functional obfuscation of digital devices are given.
59-72 636
The results of the further development of the theory of creating of mechatronic coordinate displacement systems with enhanced characteristics of accuracy and speed based on reconfigurable mechanisms of parallel kinematics and hybrid multi-axis direct-acting drives are presented. Some of the developed displacement systems with an example of algorithmic mathematical models for simulation modeling of their kinematics, dynamics and control are given. The prospects for the use of the results obtained in the development of precision assembly and optical-mechanical equipment for microelectronics are presented.
73-84 647
The results of theoretical modeling from the first principles of atomic structure and properties of promising low-dimensional structures from semiconductors, performed for the past five years at the Center of Nanoelectronics and Novel Materials of Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, are summarized. The discovered principal new properties of two-dimensional structures from dichalcogenides of refractory metals and semiconductor silicides, one-dimensional structures of silicon, А3В5 semiconductors and semiconductor metal oxides, and zero-dimensional structures of carbon - nanodiamonds - are presented.
85-99 2473
The main research results obtained in 2014-2018 in the direction «Materials, elements and devices of electronic equipment» are presented.
100-111 621
The paper reviews techniques of digital filter bank synthesis that can be applied for contemporary speech processing challenges. The paper describes practical experience of using digital filter banks in original systems of sound processing, namely, musical player with noise-aware audio enhancement and hearing aid application for a smartphone.

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)