Substantiation of the Possibility to Use the Electromagnetic Shields Based on Powdered Aluminum Oxides to Reduce the Electromagnetic Radiation Energy of Electronic Devices
The article introduces the results of the experimental substantiation of the possibility to use the electromagnetic shields based on powdered aluminum oxides to reduce the electromagnetic radiation energy introduced by electronic devices. To achieve this goal, a methodology has been developed for assessing the effect of materials on the electromagnetic radiation level of electronic devices, and a methodology for estimating the radius of the controlled zone of the secondary electromagnetic radiation of computer equipment has been systematized. In accordance with the indicated methods, the study has been carried out, based on the results of which it was determined that electromagnetic shields containing the composite coating based on powdered aluminum oxides and iron oxide provide suppression of the electromagnetic radiation energy of electronic devices, as well as a reduction of up to 2 times the radius of the controlled zone of the secondary electromagnetic radiation of computer equipment. Recommendations for the practical application of the composite coatings based on the powdered alumina and iron oxide have been developed. In accordance with these recommendations, such coatings can be used in the process of manufacturing or improving the technical and functional properties of electromagnetic shields designed to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic devices, as well as to solve problems related to the information security.
About the Authors
D. I. Penialosa OvaliesBelarus
Penialosa Ovalies Deivis Isaias, Intern of Information Protection Department
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka St., 6
O. V. Boiprav
Boiprav O. V., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Information Protection Department
M. V. Tumilovich
Tumilovich M. V., Dr. of Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Training Highly Qualified Personnel
A. V. Gusinsky
Gusinsky А. V., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Center 1.9 of R&D Department
P. I. Baltrukovich
Baltrukovich P. I., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics
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For citations:
Penialosa Ovalies D.I., Boiprav O.V., Tumilovich M.V., Gusinsky A.V., Baltrukovich P.I. Substantiation of the Possibility to Use the Electromagnetic Shields Based on Powdered Aluminum Oxides to Reduce the Electromagnetic Radiation Energy of Electronic Devices. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(7):48-55. (In Russ.)