Simulation of silicon wafers heating during rapid thermal processing using “UBTO 1801” unit
About the Authors
J. A. SolovjovRussian Federation
Solovjov Jaroslav Aleksandrovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy director of “Transistor” Branch
220108, Minsk, Korzhenevskogo str., 16
V. A. Pilipenko
Russian Federation
D.Sci, Рrofessor, Corr. mem. of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Deputy director of Science Development of State Center “Belmicroanalysis”
V. P. Yakovlev
Russian Federation
PhD, Director
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For citations:
Solovjov J.A., Pilipenko V.A., Yakovlev V.P. Simulation of silicon wafers heating during rapid thermal processing using “UBTO 1801” unit. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(7):79-86. (In Russ.)