No 4 (2015)
5-9 399
The correlation properties of the majority of sequences are investigated. Experimental data on the correlation spectra of non-linear sequences is presented. A nonlinear code design that allows to get more distance with the code is given.
10-15 3007
Crystals of Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu2ZnSnSe4 compounds and Cu2ZnSnS4х Se4(1-х) solid solutions have been grown by directional crystallization of the melt. The composition of the grown crystals was determined by X-ray microprobe analyses, XRD was used for determination of their structure. It was established, that both starting compounds Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu2ZnSnSe4 and Cu2ZnSnS4х Se4(1-х) solid solutions on their base are crystallized in tetragonal structure. Unit cell parameters a and c change linearly in accordance with Vegad’s law. State diagram was built using DTA method, which are characterized with small temperature interval of crystallization and it can be attributed to the firs type on Rozebom’s classification. Microhardness and density of the indicated crystals have been measured. It has been established, that microhardness changes with maxima on composition x , density - linearly.
16-22 412
The decision method of two combinatorial tasks about finding of optimum subset on the given set of initial data is offered. The task about knapsack and the task about length covering are founded on use the mathematical formulas of many-critarial optimization. In developed algorithms is executed searching of pareto elements in the defined two-criterial space.
23-26 364
The results of theoretical research of band structures of Ca2Si bulk and Ca2Si thin films with surfaces (001), (010), (100) are presented. It`s found that Ca2Si bulk and thin film Ca2Si(010) and (100) are direct bandgap semiconductors while Ca2Si(001) thin films show the metallic properties because of surface`s states.
27-32 3111
The methods of synthesis of speech-like signal on the basis of allophones are anylized. The development urgency of speech-like signals synthesis in the Belarusian language is grounded. The methodology of forming the base of allophones in the Belarusian language with the phonetic features of the Belarusian language is described.
33-39 319
Presents the method of constructing universal classifiers of text images based on three-level committee of convolutional neural networks, generation and accounting of specific text patterns features, depending on methods of their synthesis. Efficiency of this method was confirmed by creation classifiers of Russian language characters, accuracy of which exceeds level of leading commercial counterpart in recognition of representative database patterns created in course of research.
40-45 414
The mathematical model for the psychophysiological condition estimation of operators of control systems above difficult technical objects is offered. The model allows to estimate a psychophysiological condition of operators at influence of various technogenic factors.
46-52 6828
The prototype of lighting system and algorithms of automatic control of its optical parameters was developed. The results of the research of autoregulation colour temperature algorithms and brightness of the light were shown.
53-60 5030
Results of estimation of necessary and sufficient levels of radiation power of base stations of cellular communications on urban area are resulted. Analysis is made on the basis of the behavior simulation of the fragment of a GSM network executed with the use of multibeam radiowave propagation model and the topological model of a fragment of urban area of the central part of Minsk. The results indicate that a high communication quality can be achieved at levels of base stations equivalent isotropic radiated power which are essentially less than the corresponding levels actually used by GSM/UMTS operators in considered territory.
61-67 470
Four heuristic optimization algorithms (genetic algorithm, plant growth algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, particle swarm algorithm) are adapted to the problem of the search for the best antenna deployment using a combinational RFID-based two-dimensional localization method. During the experiment the best antenna deployment was obtained by the simulated annealing algorithm.
68-73 330
The researching results of receiving process of highly effective porous materials from metal powders by molding in an electromagnetic field are given. Molding optimal regime of the porous materials used as filter elements are defined.
74-79 368
The multi-scan moving target indication with clutter map and storage solutions approach is considered. The estimation performance of compensation devices is compared.
80-86 364
The forecasting technique of admissible potentials of the static electricity categories of positive and negative polarity with voltage to 15 kV on structures of diodes Shottki with the guard ring is offered.
87-92 349
Image enhancement algorithms improve readability on liquid crystal displays under bright ambient light conditions and are the theme of many researchers and developers. The existing problem is the reflection on the surface of the display under bright light source and is relevant in many applications. Several methods of tone mapping (gamma adaptation), which were compared with existing models related to «improving the image under bright ambient light conditions» are developed.
93-97 2870
The model of the parallel architecture of problem-oriented processor has been developed. For the purpose of verification of delivered technical solutions the simulation of the architecture on the test cases with cluster GPU using CUDA technology has been provided. As a result, the model allowed to simulate of individual units and to explore the computational processes that occur in the studied architecture.
98-102 316
An automatic control system for the 1st order aperiodic object is suggested. The structural scheme includes main control circuit with a PID-regulator in it and a disturbance compensation circuit realized by two additional PID-regulators.
103-108 3922
The influence of the type and volume content of powdered peat on the shielding characteristics of composite materials was investigated in the frequency range of 8…12 GHz. It was shown, that the transmission and reflection coefficients slightly differ for various types of peat components and mainly depend on the volume content and the layer thickness. The transmission coefficient for the studied materials varies in the range of -4.5…-2.1 dB and the reflection coefficient - in the range of -12.2…-8.2 dB.
109-115 4344
The reasoning of the material choosing for electromagnetic radiation absorber manufacture is made. The description of the multilayer composite absorber construction is show. The study results of reflection and transmission characteristics in the frequency range 0.7-17 GHz of multilayer composite electromagnetic radiation absorber based on powdered titanium dioxide is shown. Recommendations for the use of the designed composite material as an absorber of electromagnetic radiation are proposed.
116-121 3802
The sequence of phase transformations during Sr2FeMoO6-d crystallization by solid phase method was studied for powders synthesized from the stoichiometric mixture of SrFeO3- x and SrMoO4 precursors. It was found that the synthesis of strontium ferromolybdate solid solution proceeds through a series of parallel chemical reactions. Reveals that at the beginning stage of interaction the initially formed Sr2FeMoO6-δ powder is enriched with iron. During the annealing process, the composition of strontium ferromolybdate changes and the molybdenum content increases upon further heating. It was found that the use of precursors reduces the annealing temperature.
ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)