
Doklady BGUIR

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Image fusion, based on data from sources of a various spectral range


The complex approach of earth surface and airspace data processing with use of images from sources of a various spectral range is considered in the article. Methods and algorithms of image fusion according to several video information sources are presented. The analysis of existing image fusion devices are carried out, and the function chart of experimental module realizing known fusion video sequences algorithms is presented.

About the Authors

D. S. Sharak
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

E. I. Mikhnionok
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

A. S. Shein
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

A. V. Khizhniak
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus


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For citations:

Sharak D.S., Mikhnionok E.I., Shein A.S., Khizhniak A.V. Image fusion, based on data from sources of a various spectral range. Doklady BGUIR. 2017;(3):45-51. (In Russ.)

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