
Doklady BGUIR

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Transistor Structure with a Two-Dimensional Channel Electrophysical Parameters Interrelation Under Conditions of Instability


A model has been developed and patterns of mutual influence of the electrophysical parameters of a transistor structure with a two-dimensional channel, due to the self-organization of charge and capacitive properties under conditions of charge instability, have been obtained. Transition metal dichalcogenides are considered as a material for a two-dimensional channel. The influence on the electrical parameters of a transistor structure with a two-dimensional semiconductor channel of the band gap of the channel material, the thickness of the gate dielectric, and the capacitance of interface states is considered. It is shown that under conditions of instability caused by an increase in the capacitance of interface states, the dependence of the electrochemical potential, electron concentration and quantum capacitance on the potential of the field electrode has an abrupt form. The results obtained are explained by the fact that, under conditions of instability, an increase in the capacitance of interface states leads to a mismatch between the electrical neutrality condition and the Fermi-Dirac statistics at certain val ues of the gate potential due to the limited nature of the density of states of the two-dimensional channel, which leads to the manifestation of a charge imbalance. The resulting effect is similar to the metal-semiconductor transition and can be attributed to bistable critical phenomena. The developed model and the results obtained can be used in computer-aided design systems for the element base of micro- and nanoelectronics.

About the Authors

U. A. Zaitsau
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR)

Zaitsau Uladzimir Alexandrovich, Postgraduate at the Department of Microand Nanoelectronics,

6, P. Brovki St., Minsk, 220013

Phone: +375 17 293-22-24.

D. A. Podryabinkin
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR)

Podryabinkin D. A., Cand. of Sci., Senior Researcher at the Center for Nanoelectronics and New Materials, 


V. V. Melnikova
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR)

Melnikova V. V., Postgraduate at the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, 


A. L. Danilyuk
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR)

Danilyuk A. L., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Microand Nanoelectronics, 



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For citations:

Zaitsau U.A., Podryabinkin D.A., Melnikova V.V., Danilyuk A.L. Transistor Structure with a Two-Dimensional Channel Electrophysical Parameters Interrelation Under Conditions of Instability. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(4):22-29. (In Russ.)

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