
Doklady BGUIR

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Passivation of a Conductive System of Integrated Circuits with a Layer of Aluminum Nitride


Passivation of the film conductive system of integrated circuits makes it more reliable by increasing the resistance to electromigration. The problem of manufacturing a passivating layer on the formed current-conducting system of an integrated circuit, obtained in a single technological cycle, including isotropic plasma-chemical etching of an aluminum alloy layer to a depth of 8–12 nm and isotropic plasma-chemical nitriding of the surface of the obtained current-carrying tracks until the aluminum nitride thickness from 10 to 50 nm, is considered. This task makes it possible to form a dielectric film based on silicon dioxide on a silicon substrate with active regions, etch contact windows to active elements of the substrate in the dielectric film, deposit a barrier layer 0.005–0.050 µm thick, and deposit an aluminum alloy film 0.5–2.0 um and much more.

About the Author

V. V. Emelyanov
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Emelyanov Victor Victorovich, Postgraduate at the Electronic Engineering and Technology Department

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6

Tel.: + 375 29 688-75-76


1. Grigoriev F. I. (2003) Plasma-Chemical and Ion-Chemical Etching in Microelectronic Technology. Moscow, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Publ. 48 (in Russian).

2. Emelyanov V. (2020) Increasing the Resistance to Stress Migration of Film Structures Based on Aluminum in Microelectronics. Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. (1), 152–159. DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020. (in Russian).

3. Industry Standard OST 1114.1012–99. Integrated Circuits. Technical Requirements for the Technological Process. System and Methods of Operational Control (in Russian).


For citations:

Emelyanov V.V. Passivation of a Conductive System of Integrated Circuits with a Layer of Aluminum Nitride. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(3):12-16. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)