
Doklady BGUIR

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Use of Laser Interferometry to Determine the End Time of the Plasma-Chemical Etching of p-GaN and AlGaN Layers of the p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure with Two-Dimensional Electron Gas


Regularities of the reflected signal intensity changing in time, recorded by the detector of the laser interferometer with the operating frequency of 670 nm during the inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching in a Cl2/N2/O2 atmosphere of GaN, p-GaN and AlGaN in AlGaN/GaN and p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures has been established by laser interferometry and scanning electron microscopy methods due to the changes in refractive indices and etching rates. During inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of GaN and p-GaN layers, the intensity of the reflected signal changes according to a periodic law with the thickness change period of about 144 nm, and for AlGaN layers about 148 nm, which is due to differences in their refractive indices and etching rates. During the crossing of the p-GaN/AlGaN and AlGaN/GaN interface, there is an abrupt change in the intensity of the reflected signal within 2.7–9.5 % for 20–40 s, due to changes in the aluminum concentration, refractive indices, and etching rate at the interfaces. The change in the periodicity of the interferogram, which is accompanied by a jump in intensity when passing through the etching front through the p-GaN/AlGaN and AlGaN/GaN interface, makes it possible to determine the end time of the inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of the AlGaN and p-GaN layers using laser interferometry in real time in AlGaN/GaN and p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with two-dimensional electron gas. The obtained results can be used to form microwave and power electronics devices elements which are based on the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures.

About the Authors

A. D. Yunik
JSC “INTEGRAL” – “INTEGRAL” Holding Managing Company

Yunik Andrei Dmitrievich, Leading Engineer of the Branch Laboratory of New Technologies and Materials 

220108, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Korzhenevskogo St., 16, r. 247

Tel. +375 29 854-66-51

A. H. Shydlouski
JSC “INTEGRAL” – “INTEGRAL” Holding Managing Company

 Shydlouski A. H., Leading Process Engineer of the Branch Laboratory of New Technologies and Materials 



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For citations:

Yunik A.D., Shydlouski A.H. Use of Laser Interferometry to Determine the End Time of the Plasma-Chemical Etching of p-GaN and AlGaN Layers of the p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure with Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(7):12-19. (In Russ.)

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