
Doklady BGUIR

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Wide-Band Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Construction Based on Pseudooval Scattering Elements for Information Protection Against Leakage Via Electromagnetic Channel


The paper considers the results of a study of the influence of the relative position of moisture-containing pseudooval scattering elements with linear dimensions of 10…20, 2…4, 1…4 and 1…2 mm on the electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficients values of the electromagnetic radiation shielding structures, including these elements, and the effective scattering surface of the ground objects, on the surface of which the indicated structures are fixed or applied. Placement of three- or two-layer structures formed on the basis of pseudooval elements with linear dimensions of 2...4, 1...4, 1...2 mm, between two monolayers made on the basis of elements with dimensions of 10...20 mm, leads to the decrease up to –17,6 dB of the electromagnetic radiation reflection coefficients values in the frequency range of 2–12 GHz of the electromagnetic radiation shielding structures, including these elements. The values of the effective scattering surface of ground objects, on the surface of which the indicated electromagnetic radiation shielding structures are located, vary within 0,08...11,80 m2, which is the reason of a significant difficulty in intercepting information about the location and characteristics of ground objects by means of technical intelligence in the frequency range of their operation.

About the Authors

S. E. Savanovich
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Russian Federation

Savanovich S.E., Assistant at the Department of Information Security

220013, P. Brovka St., 6, tel. +375 17 293-84-56

T. V. Borbotko
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Russian Federation

Borbotko T.V., Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Department of Information Security



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For citations:

Savanovich S.E., Borbotko T.V. Wide-Band Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Construction Based on Pseudooval Scattering Elements for Information Protection Against Leakage Via Electromagnetic Channel. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(6):94-100. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)