The proton flux influence on electrical characteristics of a dual-channel hemt based on GaAs.
The results of the simulation the influence of the proton flux on the electrical characteristics of the device structure of dual-channel high electron mobility field effect transistor based on GaAs are presented. The dependences of the drain current ID and cut-off voltage on the fluence value and proton energy, as well as on the ambient temperature are shown.
Ключевые слова
Об авторах
I. Yu. LovshenkoБеларусь
A. Yu. Voronov
P. S. Roshchenko
R. E. Ternov
Ya. D. Galkin
A. V. Kunts
V. R. Stempitsky
Jinshun Bi
Список литературы
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Для цитирования:
Lovshenko I.Yu., Voronov A.Yu., Roshchenko P.S., Ternov R.E., Galkin Ya.D., Kunts A.V., Stempitsky V.R., Bi J. The proton flux influence on electrical characteristics of a dual-channel hemt based on GaAs. Доклады БГУИР. 2021;19(8):81-86.
For citation:
Lovshenko I.Yu., Voronov A.Yu., Roshchenko P.S., Ternov R.E., Galkin Ya.D., Kunts A.V., Stempitsky V.R., Bi J. The proton flux influence on electrical characteristics of a dual-channel hemt based on GaAs. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(8):81-86.