Formation of a gate dielectric of nanometer thickness by rapid thermal treatment
Investigations of the thickness and optical characteristics of thin SiO2 films obtained by one-, two-, or three-stage rapid thermal processing (RTP) at atmospheric pressure, pulses of 6, 12, and 20 s duration have been carried out. To obtain thin SiO2 films by the RTP method, N-type:Ph 4.5 Оhm/□ (100) silicon wafers were used as initial samples. The samples were preliminarily oxidized at 1000 °C of the obtained wet oxygen (SiO2 d = 100 nm), then the silicon oxide was completely removed in a solution of hydrofluoric acid, after which the wafers were subjected to chemical cleaning using the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) technology. Oxidation in a stationary oxygen atmosphere was carried out in one or two stages by heating the plates with a light pulse of different power up to maximum temperatures of 1035 – 1250 °C, as well as a three-stage process, where the final stage was annealing in a nitrogen atmosphere or in a forming gas (N2 97% + H2 3%). The characteristics of SiO2-Si barrier structures nitrided in N2, obtained by the RTP process by light fluxes with pulses of a second duration, were studied to improve the electrophysical parameters of gate oxides by the RTP method. It is of interest for integrated circuits (ICS) with a high density of the active regions of devices.
About the Authors
N. S. KovalchukBelarus
Natallia S. Kovalchuk, PhD, Associate Professor; First Deputy Chief Engineer
A. A. Omelchenko
Anna A. Omelchenko, Engineer of the «Belmicroanalysis» State Center
V. A. Pilipenko
Pilipenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich, D.Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus, Deputy Director for Scientific Development of the «Belmicroanalysis» State Center
220108, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Kazintsa str., 121A
tel. +375-17-212-37-41
V. A. Solodukha
Vitaly А. Solodukha, D.Sc., General Director
D. V. Shestovski
Dmitry V. Shestovski, Engineer-Technologist of the Advanced Technological Processes Department
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For citations:
Kovalchuk N.S., Omelchenko A.A., Pilipenko V.A., Solodukha V.A., Shestovski D.V. Formation of a gate dielectric of nanometer thickness by rapid thermal treatment. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(4):103-112. (In Russ.)