About the Authors
А. ПарахневичBelarus
А. Солонар
С. Горшков
1. Парахневич А.В., Солонар А.С., Горшков С.А. / Докл. БГУИР. 2012. №1(62). С. 22-28.
2. Hammersley J.M., Morton K.W. // Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B. 1954. Vol. 16. P. 23-38.
3. Соболь И.М. Численные методы Монте-Карло. М., 1973.
4. Gordon N.J., Salmond D.J., Smith A.F.M. // IEEE Proceedings-F. 1993. Vol. 140, №2. P. 107-113.
5. Daum F. // IEEE A&E Systems Magazine. 2005. Vol. 20, №8. P. 57-69.
6. Ristic B., Arulampalam S., Gordon N. Beyond the Kalman Filter. Particle filters for tracking applications. London, 2004.
7. Gordon N. // IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic systems. 1997.
8. Doucet A., Godsill S., Andrieu A. // Statistics and Computing. 2000. Vol. 10, №3. P. 197-208.
9. Doucet A., De Freitas N., Gordon N.J. // New York: Springer-Verlag, Series Statistics for Engineering and Information Science. 2001. P. 620.
10. Andrieu C., Doucet A. // Journal Royal Statistical Society B. 2000.
11. Bolic M. // Architectures for Efficient Implementation of Particle Filters. Dissertation of Ph. D. Stony Brook University. 2004.
12. Chen Z. // IEEE A&E Systems Magazine. 2011. №4. P. 69.
13. Kong A., Liu J.S., Wong W.H. // American statistical assotiation. 1994. Vol. 89, №425. P. 278-288.
14. Pitt M., Shephard N. // Journal of the American Statistical association. 1999. P. 590-599.
15. Marrs A., Maskell S., Bar-Shalom Y. // SPIE. 2002.Vol. 4728.
16. Merwe R.V.D., Doucet A., Freitas N. et al. // The Unscented Particle Filter. 2000.
17. Arulampalam M.S, Maskell S., Gordon N. et al. // IEEE Trans. Signal Processing. 2002. Vol. 50. P. 174-188.
18. Gustafsson F., Gunnarsson F., Bergman N. // IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2002. P. 13.
19. Hlinka O., Sluciak O., Hlawatsch F. // IEEE ICASSP. 2011. P. 3756-3759.
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For citations:
, , . Doklady BGUIR. 2012;(3):49-55. (In Russ.)