Structure and morphology of CrSi2 layers formed by rapid thermal treatment
About the Authors
J. A. SolovjovBelarus
Solovjov JA.А., PhD, Аssociate Professor, Deputy Director of “Transistor”
220108, Minsk, Korzhenevskogo str., 16, tel. +375-172-122-121
V. A. Pillipenko
Pilipenko V.A., D.Sci., Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus, Deputy Director for Science Research of the State Centre “Belmicroanalysis” Affiliate RDC “Belmicrosystems”
P. I. Gaiduk
Gaiduk P.I., D.Sci., Professor, Professor of Physical electronics and nanotechnologies Department
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For citations:
Solovjov J.A., Pillipenko V.A., Gaiduk P.I. Structure and morphology of CrSi2 layers formed by rapid thermal treatment. Doklady BGUIR. 2020;18(4):71-79. (In Russ.)