Optical-location coordinator of the homing system of an unmanned aerial vehicle
The structure of the optical-location coordinator of the homing system for an unmanned aerial vehicle providing the solution of single intraframe (search, detection, recognition) and sequential interframe automatic tracking of stationary and moving single and group ground objects against the background of the earth's surface is developed.
About the Authors
A. S. Solonar
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
P. A. Khmarski
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
A. A. Mihalkovki
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
S. V. Tsuprik
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
V. S. Ivanuk
Military academy of the Republic of Belarus
For citations:
Solonar A.S.,
Khmarski P.A.,
Mihalkovki A.A.,
Tsuprik S.V.,
Ivanuk V.S.
Optical-location coordinator of the homing system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Doklady BGUIR. 2018;(3):19-25.
(In Russ.)
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