Interrelation between oxygen non-stoichiometry and Fe/Mo superstructural ordering in Sr2FeMoO6-d
About the Authors
L. I. HurskiBelarus
N. A. Kalanda
M. V. Yarmolich
V. A. Turchenko
D. V. Karpinsky
V. A. Chumak
A. V. Petrov
A. L. Zhaludkevich
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For citations:
Hurski L.I., Kalanda N.A., Yarmolich M.V., Turchenko V.A., Karpinsky D.V., Chumak V.A., Petrov A.V., Zhaludkevich A.L. Interrelation between oxygen non-stoichiometry and Fe/Mo superstructural ordering in Sr2FeMoO6-d. Doklady BGUIR. 2017;(8):54-59. (In Russ.)