
Doklady BGUIR

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The simulation of S-parameters of the Wilkinson power divider


Wilkinson power divider (WPD) currently compete successfully with other devices, as study new features of their designs provide the selection of new technologies for various applications. This article examines the performance of WPD, based on the study of insertion loss, return loss distribution, as well as isolation between the output ports in the operating frequency range to 3 GHz. Analysis of modeling of losses in microstrip transmission lines, such as S -parameters, WPD, performed using software Antenna Magus 2017.0 developed by Magus (Pty), which proposed the implementation of a WPD, convenient to use selected software. Exact characteristics of WPD in a fairly wide band of frequencies investigated range were received.

About the Authors

R. A. Zhernosekov
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics

V. T. Pershin
Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics


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For citations:

Zhernosekov R.A., Pershin V.T. The simulation of S-parameters of the Wilkinson power divider. Doklady BGUIR. 2017;(6):17-21. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)