
Doklady BGUIR

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Study of mesendomorphy index relationship with skin surface temperature and accentuation (by the Leonhard-Shmishek test) in adult women of Slavic ETHNICITY


A number of thermometer, anthropometric and psychological characteristics of adult women of Slavic ethnicity is investigated. It is shown that mesendomorphiс index is positively correlated with body weight, massiveness of the skeleton of the lower extremities. There is a positive correlation between the mesendomorphiс index on one side and a score on a scale of cyclothymic and exalted accentuation on the other. At the same time on a scale giperthimic, unbalanced and emotive accentuation correlated with the mesendomorphiс index negative. The mezendomorfic index is positively correlated with the temperature of the skin surface of the pads of the fingers and earlobes, which indicates a higher level of microcirculation in these parts of the body in people whose somatic closer to endomorphically.

About the Author

A. A. Spitsyn
Государственный институт управления и социальных технологий БГУ


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For citations:

Spitsyn A.A. Study of mesendomorphy index relationship with skin surface temperature and accentuation (by the Leonhard-Shmishek test) in adult women of Slavic ETHNICITY. Doklady BGUIR. 2016;(7):87-90. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)