Method of determining the volume of blood concentration IN contrast of the interference pattern in biological tissues
About the Authors
N. D. AbramovichBelarus
S. K. Dick
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2. Абрамович Н.Д., Барун В.В., Дик С.К. и др. // Инженерно-физический журнал. 2013. Т. 86, № 6. С. 1288-1295.
3. Иванов А.П., Кацев И.Л. // Квант. электрон. 2005. Т. 35, № 7. С. 670-674.
For citations:
Abramovich N.D., Dick S.K. Method of determining the volume of blood concentration IN contrast of the interference pattern in biological tissues. Doklady BGUIR. 2016;(6):117-120. (In Russ.)