
Doklady BGUIR

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Single crystals of the AgIn5S8 ternary compound are grown by planar crystallization of the melt. The composition and structure of the crystals are established. The specific expansion is measured by dilatometric technique at range 80-700 K, and the coefficients of thermal expansion are calculated. From the data, the Debye temperatures (QD) and the root-mean-square dynamic displacements of atoms ( ) in AgIn5S8 compound are calculated. Thermal conductivity of AgIn5S8 single crystal has been measured in temperature interval 300-600 K by absolute method. It is found that the thermal conductivity in the entire measured temperature range is described by a power function of the form T-n, where n < 1.

About the Authors

I. V. Bodnar
Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники

H. T. Alrekabe
Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники

T. G. Barugu
Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники


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For citations:

Bodnar I.V., Alrekabe H.T., Barugu T.G. GROWTH AND properties OF AgIn5S8 SINGLE CRYSTALS. Doklady BGUIR. 2016;(5):67-72. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)