
Doklady BGUIR

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Choice of self-adjustment algorithm for the adaptive device of coherent accumulation of the reflected signal in the radar intake


The results of the analysis of various classes adaptive algorithms for self-adjustment of adaptive device of reflected signal coherent accumulation are presented. The basic indicators of their quality are considered. Confidential intervals of an estimation of signal’s correlation factor by adaptive trellised RLS-algorithm for various sample’s lengths are calculated.

About the Authors

S. A. Gabets
Военная академия Республики Беларусь

S. U. Sedyshev
Военная академия Республики Беларусь


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5. Монзинго Р. А., Миллер Т. А. Адаптивные антенные решетки: Введение в теорию. М., 1986.

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For citations:

Gabets S.A., Sedyshev S.U. Choice of self-adjustment algorithm for the adaptive device of coherent accumulation of the reflected signal in the radar intake. Doklady BGUIR. 2016;(1):57-63. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)