
Doklady BGUIR

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A Method for Detecting Distinctive Patterns of Real Patients in Generated Images


Generative diffusion models are a well-established method for generating high-quality images. However, there are studies that show that diffusion models are less privacy-friendly than generative models, such as generative adversarial networks and a growing family of their modifications. The discovered vulnerabilities require in-depth study of various security aspects. This is especially important for sensitive areas such as medical image analysis tasks and their practical applications. The paper describes a method for detecting image patterns presented in generated images that can potentially be identified in real CT images of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The method includes the following main procedures: correlation of pairs of generated and real images to pre-select pairs that involve further analysis; calculation of correlation statistics using direct and inverse Fisher transforms; performing affine image registration and calculating pairwise similarity scores; nonlinear (elastic) image registration and recalculation of similarity scores to highlight the most similar/dissimilar image areas.

About the Author

V. A. Kovalev
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kovalev Vassili Alekseevich, Сand. of Sci., Leading Researcher

220013, Minsk, Surganova St., 6 


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For citations:

Kovalev V.A. A Method for Detecting Distinctive Patterns of Real Patients in Generated Images. Doklady BGUIR. 2025;23(1):47-53.

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