
Doklady BGUIR

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Structural Features of Porous Silicon Formed on Heavily Doped Plates of Single-Crystal Silicon with Electron Conductivity


Using scanning electron microscopy, the structures of the surface and internal regions of porous silicon obtained by anodizing heavily doped plates of single-crystal silicon with electron conductivity in a hydrofluoric acid solution at different current densities were studied. It is found that the porous silicon surface has dark gray and light gray pores, which differ in size and surface distribution density. Dark gray pores possess larger sizes, and their density is about 5–10 times less than that of light gray pores. Based on the cross-section imagery, it is shown that light gray pores correspond to underdeveloped channels of small depth, while dark gray pores are the entrance points of deep bottle-shaped channels passing from the surface into the depth of the silicon wafer. The equivalent diameters of light gray pores on the surface of porous silicon are 12–15 nm and are practically independent of the anodic current density. At the same time, the equivalent diameters of dark gray pores and average distances between their centers increase linearly from 15 to 35 nm on the surface and from 35 to 120 nm in the volume of porous silicon when the current density is increased from 30 to 90 mA/cm2. The average thickness of silicon skeleton elements is about 3 nm on the surface and increases to 5–6 nm in the volume. By setting the density of the anode current, it is possible to obtain layers of porous silicon with different structural parameters. The obtained research results have practical significance for the formation of composite materials based on porous silicon, which can be used as a porous matrix for the deposition of metals and semiconductors.

About the Authors

U. P. Lopato
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Lopato Ulyana Pavlovna, Master’s Student

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6

Tel.: +375 17 293-88-54

D. D. Laputko
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Laputko D. D., Master’s Student


N. L. Grevtsov
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Grevtsov N. L., Researcher at the Scientific Research Laboratory “Materials and Structures of Nanoelectronics” (Lab. 4.3)


V. P. Bondarenko
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Bondarenko V. P., Head of the Lab. 4.3



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For citations:

Lopato U.P., Laputko D.D., Grevtsov N.L., Bondarenko V.P. Structural Features of Porous Silicon Formed on Heavily Doped Plates of Single-Crystal Silicon with Electron Conductivity. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(5):17-25. (In Russ.)

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