
Doklady BGUIR

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Evaluation of 5G Systems Microstrip Antennas Performance and Approaches for SAR Reduction of Human Head at the Frequency 38 GHz


5G systems have many interesting advantages, that’s why their popularity around the world is grow ing rapidly. However, it is necessary to evaluate the potential negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from devices of these systems on human tissue in order to ensure the safety of the health of the human body. The present study was aimed at assessing the degree of exposure of the human head to electromagnetic radiation from a microstrip antenna at millimeter wave frequencies and improving the performance of this antenna to ensure human health safety. During the study, using the CST Studio Suite 2021 software package, the following was done: a microstrip antenna emitting at the frequency of 38 GHz was simulated; the efficiency and performance of the simulated antenna for 5G system devices was assessed; the layers of the human head were designed and simulated to analyze the impact of the simulated antenna radiation on it; the absorption specific rate of radiation energy from the simulated antenna by each layer of the human head was estimated. Based on the results of the study, approaches to reducing the SAR value of the human head were proposed and theoretically justified. These approaches consist of adding various materials to the microstrip antenna as protective barriers.

About the Authors

H. Ayad
Al Zawia University

Ayad Hisham, PhD, Lecturer of the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Department,

 Az Zawiyah, 16418, Libya.

R. Alhtab
Al Zawia University

Alhatab R., Student, 

Az Zawiyah, 16418, Libya.

M. Alzawi
Al Zawia University

Alzawi M., Student, 

Az Zawiyah, 16418, Libya.


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For citations:

Ayad H., Alhtab R., Alzawi M. Evaluation of 5G Systems Microstrip Antennas Performance and Approaches for SAR Reduction of Human Head at the Frequency 38 GHz. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(4):63-67.

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