
Doklady BGUIR

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Promising Research Results and Development in the Field of Microwave Technology


A new method for analyzing the high-frequency path of measuring and radio engineering systems based on matrix analysis is proposed. The replacement of the error scattering matrix with a transmission matrix in the form of cellular matrices is proposed and justified, the equations of calibration and restoration of the actual (corrected) values of the measured parameters are obtained in matrix form, and the ways of solving these equations are given in general form. The main parasitic parameters of the useful signal transmission path associated with inhomogeneities, leaks and insufficiency of interchanges are determined. The use of the developed methods made it possible to optimize the structures of devices, calibration and measurement algorithms. A large range of general and special purpose devices has been created in the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges.

About the Author

A. V. Gusinsky
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Gusinsky Alexander Vladimirovich, Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Head of Information and Measuring Systems Department

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6

Tel.: +375 17 293-23-53


1. Bogush V. A., Gusinsky A. V., Sharov G. A., Kostrikin A. M. (2019) Millimeter and Centimeter Wave Length Vector Network Analyzers. Moscow, Hote Line – Telecom (in Russian).

2. Gusinsky A. V., Sharov G. A., Kostrikin A. M. (2008) Millimeter Wave Vector Network Analyzers. Minsk, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (in Russian).

3. Gusinsky A. V., Sharov G. A., Kostrikin A. M. (2010) Introduction to Statistical Metrology. Minsk, Bestprint Publ. (in Russian).

4. Gusinsky A. V., Sharov G. A., Kostrikin A. M. (2012) Analysis and Transformation of Signals. Minsk, Bestprint Publ. (in Russian).

5. Gusinsky A. V., Kostrikin A. M. (2004) Meter of Complex Parameters of Microwave Devices. Pat. Rep. Belarus 6193. Publ. 30.06.2004 (in Russian).

6. Gusinsky A. V., Kostrikin A. M., Kondrashov D. A., Saikov A. V., Lipatnikov V. P., Pevneva N. A. (2018) A Method for Generating Voltages that Carry Information about the Quadrature Components of the S-Parameters of Microwave Devices. Pat. BY 22074. Publ. 30.08.2018 (in Russian).

7. Gusinsky A. V., Voroshen A. V., Lapshin S. M., Kondrashov D. A., Volynets A. S., Kostrikin A. M. (2019) Wide-Range Signal Generator. Pat. 036472 EA. Publ. 30.09.2019 (in Russian).

8. Burak I. F., Gusinsky A. V., Sharov G. A., Voroshen A. V., Luferov A. N. (2018) Measurement of Microwave Power in the Range of Centimeter and Millimeter Waves. Moscow, Hotline – Telecom (in Russian).


For citations:

Gusinsky A.V. Promising Research Results and Development in the Field of Microwave Technology. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(2):116-125. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)