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The Game Theory Application in the Transport Flows Control Algorithm Development in the Intelligent Transport System


Traffic management in modern intelligent transport systems includes monitoring the actual traffic situation in real time (volumes, speeds, incidents, etc.) and management or controlling transport traffic using this information. At the same time, cars as intelligent transport systems components must be equipped with communication capabilities for exchanging information with other vehicles (V2V) and with road infrastructure (V2I). All this is connected with the presence of special equipment connected to the on-board network for local data collection, which can be exchanged between cars and with a central communication station using wireless Internet. At the same time, the issue of developing the traffic organization algorithms themselves is still open. This problem can be solved with the help of game theory, a fairly new but rapidly developing part of modern mathematics. Unlike optimization theory, which studies the possibilities of constructing an optimal solution for the entire system as a whole, game theory studies ways to optimize individual benefits in competition with other persons (events) that rationally seek to satisfy their own benefits. The problem of “smart” regulation of intersections is quite difficult to solve, it combines the efforts of scientists from different fields of knowledge. However, the rapid development of ICT technologies and their rapid application to transport tasks makes it possible to develop some approaches to optimize the current situation at the intersection.

About the Author

N. S. Yankevich
Center for System Analysis and Strategic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Yankevich Natallia Stepanovna, Cand. of Sci., Head

220072, Minsk, Akademicheskaya St., 1

Tel.: + 375 17 378-92-65


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3. Vlasov A. A., Orlov N. A. (2014) Managing Heavy Traffic Flows in Cities. Penza, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (in Russian).

4. Klimovich A. N., Shut V. N. (2018) Algorithm for Controlling an Intersection Based on V2I Interaction. System Analysis and Applied Informatics. (4), 21–27 (in Russian).

5. Saati T. L. (1977) Mathematical Models of Conflict Situations. Moscow, Sovietskoe Radio (in Russian).


For citations:

Yankevich N.S. The Game Theory Application in the Transport Flows Control Algorithm Development in the Intelligent Transport System. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(1):74-81. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)