
Doklady BGUIR

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Precision RMS-to-DC Converter


The developed model of a resistive-transistor thermoelectric converter, the technique for identifying its parameters and the results of circuit simulation using the proposed model of an RMS-DC converter are considered. The electrical circuit of the RMS-DC converter is given, the dependences of the conversion error on the input voltage level obtained by circuit modeling, on the basis of which the main requirements for reducing the error are formulated. The application of operational amplifiers of the OAmp11.2 type with input junction field-effect transistors, previously developed on the master slice array МН2ХА031, makes it possible to implement a precision RMS-DC converter in the form of a microassembly containing two crystals of the ПН001 thermoelectric converter, one МН2ХА031 crystal with a signal processing circuit and external filter capacitors. Circuit simulation showed that such a converter remains operational at an absorbed dose of gamma radiation equal to 1 Mrad and exposure to a neutron fluence of 1 ⋅ 1013 n/cm2 .

About the Authors

Y. D. Galkin
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University

Galkin Yaroslav Denisovich, Postgraduate; Junior Researcher of Electronic Methods and Experiment Means Laboratory

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6

Tel.: +375 25 725-07-75

O. V. Dvornikov
JSC“Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute”

Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Principal Researcher


V. А. Tchekhovski
Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University

Head of the Electronic Methods and Experiment Means Laboratory



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3. Yoon E., Wise K. D. (1994) A Wideband Monolithic RMS-DC Converter Using Micromachined Diaphragm Structures. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 41 (9), 1666–1668. DOI: 10.1109/16.310122.

4. Dvornikov O. V., Tchekhovsky V. A., Shulgevich U. F (2007) Measuring Transducer for Wideband AC Voltmeters. Science and Technology News. 2 (6), 13–17 (in Russian).

5. Dvornikov O. V., Tchekhovsky V. A., Prokopenko N. N., Galkin Y. D., Kunts A. V., Chumakov V. E. (2021) Analog Integrated Circuits Design for Extreme Environmental Conditions on the Base of Master Slice Array MH2XA031. Problems of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development. (2), 37–46. DOI:10.31114/2078-7707-2021-2-37-46 (in Russian).

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7. Prokopenko N. N., Dvornikov O. V., Bugakova A. V. (2021) Design of Low-Temperature and RadiationResistant Analog Microcircuits for Processing Sensor Signals. Moscow, SOLON-Press Publ. (in Russian).


For citations:

Galkin Y.D., Dvornikov O.V., Tchekhovski V.А. Precision RMS-to-DC Converter. Doklady BGUIR. 2024;22(1):30-38. (In Russ.)

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