Electrically Tunable Four-Mirror Gyrotron with Crossed Fields
In a four-mirror gyrotron, a wide multi-screw electron beam, being in crossed electric and longitudinal magnetic fields, drifts with a velocity vd = E0 /B0 in the direction of the T-wave propagation between the resonator mirrors (co-current wave) or in the opposite direction (counter-propagating wave). In this case, in accordance with the Doppler effect, the generation frequency ω is determined from the synchronism conditions as ω ≈ kωl(1±βd), βd = vd /с. Thus, a change in E0 changes ω, i. e. electrical frequency tuning is carried out. The article presents a diagram of the design of a two-beam four-mirror gyrotron. The calculations were carried out for βd = 0.5, q = β||/β⊥ = 2, the interaction was carried out at the frequency harmonic number k = 1. The tuning band was 20 %. The maximum efficiency is 48 %, the minimum is 33 %. Since the calculations were performed for dimensionless parameters, i.e., having a universal character, the physical characteristics of the gyrotron at a wavelength λ = 6 mm (f0 = 50 GHz) and a loaded resonator quality factor Ql = 200 were as follows: electron beam current I0 = 60 A, B0 = 2 T, voltage U0 = 79 kV, efficiency = 48 %.
About the Authors
A. A. KurayevBelarus
Kurayev Alexander Alexandrovich, Dr. of Sci. (Phys. and Math.), Professor, Professor at the Information Radiotechnologies Department
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6
Tel.: +375 17 293-89-56
V. V. Matveyenka
Vladimir V. Matveyenka, Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Computational Methods and Programming Department
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For citations:
Kurayev A.A., Matveyenka V.V. Electrically Tunable Four-Mirror Gyrotron with Crossed Fields. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(5):68-72. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2023-21-5-68-72