
Doklady BGUIR

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Method for Coherent Compensation of Side Lobes of the Spectrum of Interfering Reflections in the Problem of Detecting Low-Speed and Inconspicuous Objects


The detection of low-speed objects is a challenging task. The small radar cross-section of low-speed objects varying from one-thousandths to one-tens of a square meter practically excludes a successful detection of such objects against intense clutter from static objects by existing methods. In this work we present a method of coherent compensation of clutter from static objects in the sidelobes of the spectrum. The method provides successful detection of low-speed and low-visibility objects with reflective characteristics that create signals with power comparable to the power of spectral sidelobes of the clutter. The method is based on the representation of the side lobes of the spectrum of interfering reflections not in the form of noise, which determines the limiting level of “background whitening”, but in the form of a coherent spectral structure, amenable to further compensation. The proposed method must be especially effective in complicated situations such as when detecting signals reflected from low-speed and low-visibility objects (e.g., quadcopters) versus intensive clutter reflections from metal structures and buildings.

About the Authors

S. R. Heister

Heister Sergey Romanovich, Dr. of. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Chief Researcher

223027, Minsk Region, Minsk District, Borovlyansky S/S, Korolev Stan Village, Moscow St., 1а, room 17

Tel.: +375 29 760-86-71

V. V. Kirychenka

Valery V. Kirychenka, Senior Researcher



1. Bakulev P. А. (1958) Radar Methods of Moving Target Detection. Moscow, Oborongiz Publ. (in Russian).

2. Radar Handbook. Vol 3. Radar Devices and Systems. (1978) Transl. from eng., еd. K. N. Trophimov. Moscow, Sovetskoe Radio Publ. (in Russian).

3. Okhrimenko A. E. (1983) Basics of Radar and Electronic Warfare. Part 1. Basics of Radar. Мoscow, Voenizdat Publ. (in Russian).

4. Bakulev P. A., Stepin V. M. (1986) Methods and Devices for Moving-Target Indication. Мoscow, Radio i Svyaz (in Russian).

5. Baskakov S. I. (2000) Radio Circuits and Signals, 3rd ed. Мoscow, Vysshaya Shkola Publ. (in Russian).

6. Heister S. R., Muzychin M. M. (2021) Weight Processing of the Received Signal Under Interfering Reflections. Science and Military Security. 68 (2), 25–30 (in Russian).


For citations:

Heister S.R., Kirychenka V.V. Method for Coherent Compensation of Side Lobes of the Spectrum of Interfering Reflections in the Problem of Detecting Low-Speed and Inconspicuous Objects. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(5):42-49. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)