
Doklady BGUIR

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Regularities of Changes in the Surface Impedance of the Medium Over Hydrocarbon Deposits Under the Influence of Radio Pulsed Signals


The interaction of radio pulse signals in an anisotropic medium over hydrocarbon deposits has been studied. During the experiments, computer simulation of the characteristics of anisotropic media was performed. The dependences of the real, imaginary, and phase components of the characteristics of the surface impedance of an anisotropic medium over hydrocarbons on its dielectric constant, the frequency of radio pulse signals interacting with it, and the number of spectrum harmonics of the latter are obtained. Based on the research results, recommendations are given to improve the accuracy of determining the boundaries of hydrocarbon deposits using electrical exploration methods based on the use of radio pulse signals. The research results can be applied in prospecting geophysics for the discovery of oil and gas deposits.

About the Authors

V. F. Yanushkevich
Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

Viktor F. Yanushkevich, Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of Power Engineering and Electronics


O. A. Kizina
Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

Kizina Oksana Anatol’evna, Assistant at the Department of Power Engineering and Electronics

211440, Novopolotsk, Blokhina St., 29

Tel.: +375 214 59-95-73

V. A. Bogush
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Vadim A. Bogush, Dr. of Sci. (Phys. and Math.), Professor, Rector



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For citations:

Yanushkevich V.F., Kizina O.A., Bogush V.A. Regularities of Changes in the Surface Impedance of the Medium Over Hydrocarbon Deposits Under the Influence of Radio Pulsed Signals. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(5):25-32. (In Russ.)

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