
Doklady BGUIR

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Formation of Films of Alloys of Cr–Ni, Cr–Ni–Si and Fe–Ni Systems by Sublimation and Evaporation Methods for Electronic Products


The processes of formation of films of alloys of the Cr–Ni, Cr–Ni–Si and Fe–Ni systems with a stab le elemental composition by evaporation methods are considered. It is shown that due to the large difference in the melting temperatures of Ni and Cr, nichrome films are obtained by sublimation. The design of the evaporator is proposed, which makes it possible to stabilize the composition of the films. Calculations of azeotropic compositions of alloys of the Cr–Ni–Si system have been carried out. The position of the isobars of the total pressure of iron and nickel on the state diagram was determined during evaporation in vacuum. The azeotropic composition of the alloy of the Fe–Ni system was calculated and experimentally verified.

About the Authors

V. A. Zelenin
Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Victor A. Zelenin, Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Principal Researcher


E. O. Narushko
Joint-Stock Company “Peleng”

Narushko Elena Olegovna, Сand. of Sci., Process Engineer

220114, Minsk, Academician Vysotsky St., 3–26

Tel.: +375 29 345-86-72

A. D. Gladinov
Joint-Stock Company “Optron” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Anton D. Gladinov, Junior Scientific Researcher



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11. Zelenin V. A., Markov G. V., Narushko E. O. (2014) Screening Properties of Coatings of the Ni–Fe System. Modern Methods and Technologies for the Creation and Processing of Materials: Collection of Scientific Works. Minsk, Book 1: Materials Science. 271–280.


For citations:

Zelenin V.A., Narushko E.O., Gladinov A.D. Formation of Films of Alloys of Cr–Ni, Cr–Ni–Si and Fe–Ni Systems by Sublimation and Evaporation Methods for Electronic Products. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(5):5-12. (In Russ.)

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