
Doklady BGUIR

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Obtaining Multicomponent Coatings of a Stable Composition for Electromagnetic Radiation Screens


The formation processes of coatings of Cu–Ni and Ag–Cu systems with a stable elemental composition by the method of electron-beam evaporation are considered. It is shown that in the zone of action of the electron beam on the ingot placed in the crucible at the total vapor pressure of the alloy elements Σp above the pressure under the cap of the installation, the melt boils, and in the outer zone adjacent to the melt zone, the process of sublimation of the hard alloy occurs. The microrelief and elemental composition of the surface layer of the Cu–Ni alloy ingot in the zones of evaporation and sublimation, as well as the elemental composition of the coatings deposited in this case, have been studied. It is shown that the most acceptable way to obtain coatings of the Cu–Ni system with a stable elemental composition is the simultaneous electron-beam evaporation of copper and nickel from two crucibles. The azeotropic composition of the alloy of the Ag–Cu system was calculated and experimentally verified. The research results are used in the manufacture of multilayered screens of electromagnetic radiation.

About the Authors

V. A. Zelenin
Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Victor A. Zelenin - Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Principal Researcher.


E. O. Narushko
Joint-Stock Company “Peleng”

Narushko Elena Olegovna - Cand. of Sci., Process Engineer.

220114, Minsk, Academician Vysotsky St., 3–26. Tel.: +375 29 345-86-72

A. D. Gladinov
Joint-Stock Company “Instrument-Making Plant Optron”

Anton D. Gladinov - Junior Researcher.



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2. Volochko A. T., Zelenin V. A., Markov G. V., Narushko E. O. (2015) Optically Transparent Electromagnetic Screens. Doklady BGUIR. (3), 53–57 (in Russian).

3. Zelenin V. A. (2022) Highly Stable Elements and Structures for Nanoelectronic Products. Minsk, Belarusian Science Publ. 290 (in Russian).

4. Nesmeyanov A. N. (1961) Vapor Pressure of Chemical Elements. Moscow, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 397 (in Russian).

5. Gladinov A. D., Zelenin V. A. (2019) Calculation of Concentrations and Melting Temperatures of HighSilicon Eutectics in the РЗМ–Si Systems. Casting and Metallurgy, Collection of Scientific Works of the II International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference Among Students and Master’s Students, Oct. 16–17, 2019. Minsk, Belarusian National Technical University Publ. 62–63 (in Russian).

6. Narushko E. O., Volochko A. T., Zelenin V. A., Markov G. V. (2019) Influence of Formation Modes on the Structure of Thin Coatings Used in EMI Multilayer Screens. Modern Methods and Technologies for the Creation and Processing of Materials, Sat. Scientific Papers Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk. 60–66 (in Russian).

7. Volochko A. T., Zelenin V. A., Narushko E. O., Markov G. V. (2019) Protective Screening Coating of the Display. Patent 23414 Rep. Belarus, IPC G 12B 17/02, H 01J 29/88, C 03C 17/34, H 01J 11/44. Applicant Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, No a 20190321, App. 14.11.2019, Publ. 30.06.2021. Afitsyyny Bul., National Center Intellectual. Ulasnastsi. 10 (in Russian).

8. Volochko A. T., Zelenin V. A., Narushko E. O., Markov G. V. (2021) Shielding Display Coating. US Patent 23435 Rep. Belarus, IPC G 12B 17/02, H01J 29/88, C 03C 17/34, H 01J 11/44. Applicant Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, No a 20190320, App. 14.11.2019. Publ. 30.06.2021. Afitsyyny Bul., National Center intellectual. Ulasnastsi. 6 (in Russian).


For citations:

Zelenin V.A., Narushko E.O., Gladinov A.D. Obtaining Multicomponent Coatings of a Stable Composition for Electromagnetic Radiation Screens. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(4):19-27. (In Russ.)

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