
Doklady BGUIR

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Specialized Riemanian Spaces of the First Three Lacunaries by Groups of Isometric and Homothetic Motions


The article gives a classification of metrics of specialized Riemannian spaces, which carry four algebras at once in metrics Dm1 – real numbers, Cm2 – complex numbers, Hm3 – quaternions, Om4 – octions. Dimension of spaces n=m1+2m2+4m3+8m4 .The article presents a picture of lacunar spaces Vn4a also a classification of metrics by groups of isometric Gr and homothetic Pr movements (r is the dimension of the group) is given. There are gaps in the orders r of these groups, which are called lacunae. Here are two lacunae and metrics of spaces Vn4a of the first three lacunarities in the image of I. P. Egorov. It is established that among the orders of r-groups of isometries Gr and homoteties Pr in specialized Riemann spaces Vn4a of the third lacunarity, there is one order r3max – 1, which is not feasible e. g. a punctate lacunarity was found.

About the Author

Z. N. Chetyrkina


Chetyrkina Zinaida Nikandrovna, Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor

220036, Minsk, Kunsevchina St., 36–580

Tel.: +375 29 275-24-64


1. Egorov I. P. (1956) Rimanov Spaces of the Second Lacunarity. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 111 (2), 276–279 (in Russian).

2. Egorov I. P. (1963) On the Spaces of the First Three Lacunaries in the Homothetic Sense. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 150 (4), 730–732 (in Russian).

3. Egorov I. P. (1978) Automorphisms in Generalized Spaces. Results of Science and Technology. Series: Problems of Geometry. (10), 147–191 (in Russian).

4. Chetyrkina Z. N. (1966) Homotheties and Motions in Two-Dimensional Finsler Spaces. Volga Mathematical Collection. (5), 366–373 (in Russian).

5. Chetyrkina Z. N. (1984) Randers Spaces of First Lacunarity and Maximally Mobile Finsler Spaces. News of Higher Educational Institutions. Mathematics. (11), 53–56 (in Russian).

6. Chetyrkina Z. N. (2021) On the Maximum Orders of Groups That are Isometric and Homothetic Moves in Metric Spaces That Admit Real, Complex, and Hypercomplex Algebraic Structures in their Metric. Bulletin of Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov. 1 (57), 27–34 (in Russian).

7. Rosenfeld B. A., Zamakhovsky M. P. (2003) Geometry of Lie Groups. Moscow, MTsNMO Publ. (in Russian).

8. Laptev B. L. (1938) Lie Derivative for Objects That Are Functions of a Point and a Direction. Proceedings of the Physical and Mathematical Society. Kazan. (10), 3–38 (in Russian).

9. Egorova L. I. (1970) On Homogeneous Homothetic Spaces. Materials of the 5th Scientific and Technical Conference: Section of Mathematics. PVAIU. 29–31 (in Russian).


For citations:

Chetyrkina Z.N. Specialized Riemanian Spaces of the First Three Lacunaries by Groups of Isometric and Homothetic Motions. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(3):111-118. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)