Algorithms for Synthesis of Technological Operations for Manufacturing Samples of Structurally Complex Products
The aim of the study is to develop a mathematical model for the synthesis of technological operations in the structure of algorithms for a system of automated design of technological processes. When solving the problem of synthesis of technological operations in the structure of algorithms of the automated design system of technological processes for manufacturing prototypes of structurally complex products, the following algorithms are used: solving the direct choice problem; formation of a set of possible alternatives; checking possible alternatives for admissibility; formation of a set of acceptable alternatives; determining the set of desired typical technological solutions and optimizing the choice of solutions. A block diagram of the system of algorithms for the process of synthesis of technological operations, based on a combination of individual and standard technological solutions in the design of technological processes for the experimental production of prototypes of structurally complex products, has been obtained.
About the Author
A. V. PetukhovBelarus
Petukhov Alexander Vladimirovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department Technology of Mechanical Engineering
246746, Gomel, Octiabria Ave., 48
Tel.: +375 29 734-25-13; E-mail:
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For citations:
Petukhov A.V. Algorithms for Synthesis of Technological Operations for Manufacturing Samples of Structurally Complex Products. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(3):70-77.