
Doklady BGUIR

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Experimental Optimization of the Energy Characteristics of a Ground Penetrating Radar with Continuous Linear-Frequency-Modulated Radiation


In recent years, research has been actively carried out aimed at developing the concept of construction and ways of technical implementation of ground penetrating radars with continuous wave linear-frequency-modulated (LFM) radiation. The key prerequisites for the creation of such systems are the complex consideration of the operating conditions of the radio channel in the near field, including the features associated with multichannel leakage of the probing signal components into the reception path, the presence of multipath reflections from the covering surface, the variable speed of the electromagnetic wave, and the provision of linear processing of a continuous group broadband radio signal with large dynamic range. The paper proposes and describes a scheme of a laboratory stand for LFM GPR research and optimization of the energy characteristics in modes with critical levels of reflections. The results of experiments on the analysis and optimization of the parameters of the end-to-end transfer characteristic of the radio channel are presented. Response studies were performed for two types of antennas at different suspension heights. The responses of the system to an increase in the durtion of the probing pulse and a change in the type of window function were evaluated. An empirical dependence of signal losses during propagation in radio channels of LFM GPR has been established. The conducted studies will improve the energy characteristics of ground penetrating radars with continuous LFM radiation by increasing the detection efficiency of shallow and near-surface objects.

About the Authors

I. Yu. Malevich
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Malevich Igor Yurievich,  Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Рrofessor, Principal Research Scientist at the Research Laboratory of Noise Protection of RF Devices and Systems

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6

Tel.: +375 17 293-88-96

A. S. Lopatchenko
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

M. of Sci., Senior Lecturer at the Information Radiotechnologies Department



1. Malevich I. Yu., Lopatchenko A. S., Shukevich T. V. (2022) Self-Propelled Subsurface Radar Detector of Low-Depth Objects. Doklady BGUIR. 20 (5), 65–72. (in Russian).

2. Malevich I. Yu., Lopatchenko A. S. (2019) Portable FMCW Ground Penetrating Radar. Doklady BGUIR. 119 (1), 75–82 (in Russian).

3. Malevich I. Yu., Lopatchenko A. S., Shukevich T. V., Meledin K. I. (2019) Priyemo-Peredayushchiy Trakt Gomodinnogo Tipa s Kvadraturnymi Kanalami dlya LCHM Radara Podpoverkhnostnogo Zondirovaniya. Problemy Infokommunikatsiy. 10 (2), 12–17 (in Russian).

4. Lopatchenko A. S., Malevich I. Yu., Savenko S. A. (2015) LFM Ground Penetrating Radar with Increasing Resolution. Doklady BGUIR. (3), 43–48 (in Russian).

5. Savenko S. A., Malevich I. Yu., Bobkov Yu. Yu., Lopatchenko A. S. (2014) Eksperimental’nyye Issledovaniya i Obosnovaniye Tipa Antenny dlya Radara Podpoverkhnostnogo Zondirovaniya s Nepreryvnym Izlucheniyem. Nauka i Voyennaya Bezopasnost. 41 (1), 14–18 (in Russian).


For citations:

Malevich I.Yu., Lopatchenko A.S. Experimental Optimization of the Energy Characteristics of a Ground Penetrating Radar with Continuous Linear-Frequency-Modulated Radiation. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(3):48-55. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)