
Doklady BGUIR

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Stability of Characteristics of Physical Random Number Generators


The development of technologies leads to the need of revising the methods used to obtain cryptographic keys. The randomness parameters of sequences generated by physical random sequence generators are affected by the physical parameters of the recording equipment and the environment. The requirements for the randomness of the sequence, when passing the binary test, are obtained. It is shown that as the sequence length increases, the requirements for possible deviations from the equiprobable distribution of 0 and 1 increase. The randomness stability of the sequences generated by the generator based on the study of photons is estimated. The oscillator under study consists of an LED and a compact silicon photomultiplier designed to detect low-power light radiation. Possible physical processes leading to the deterioration of the randomness of sequences are shown. The possibility of using a generator of random numerical sequences based on a small-sized silicon photomultiplier for cryptographic purposes is estimated.

About the Authors

M. O. Pikuza
“KB Radar” – Managing Director Holding Company of “Radar Systems”

Pikuza Maksim Olegovich, Postgraduate at the Department of Information Radiotechnologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; Engineer at the Thematic Department 

220062, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 117a

Tel.: +375 33 650-31-78

S. Yu. Mikhnevich
Belarusian State Academy of Communications

Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Infocommunication Technologies


A. Yu. Siankevich
Belarusian State Academy of Communications

Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Infocommunication Technologies



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For citations:

Pikuza M.O., Mikhnevich S.Yu., Siankevich A.Yu. Stability of Characteristics of Physical Random Number Generators. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(3):34-40. (In Russ.)

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