
Doklady BGUIR

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Hardware and Software Complex for the Study of the Joint Use of Technical Means Based on Various Physical Principles


The article considers the hardware and software complex developed by the authors for the study of the joint use of technical means built on various physical principles. This hardware and software complex is a set of jointly functioning security equipment (optoelectronic system, seismic sensors, fiber-optic sensors) that solve the problem of automatic detection of moving objects in a given area of space. The hardware and software complex is based on the technical observation post developed by the authors, which provides solutions to the problems of automatic detection of moving objects in the field of view of the system sensors, as well as joint functioning with other technical means of protection. Its features and capabilities are described. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed hardware and software complex in the integrated security system are presented, using the example of one of the state border protection units. The effect is to reduce the probability of an error when making a decision about the presence of a “realviolator, as well as to increase the probability of their detection. The results of field tests of the hardware and software complex in real operating conditions on the state border section are presented. 

About the Authors

E. I. Mikhnionok
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Mikhnionok Evgeny Igorevich, Head of the 2nd Group of the Research Laboratory of the Department of Communications and Automated Control Systems

220057, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220

Tel.: +375 29 291-27-36

A. V. Khizniak
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Cand. of Sci., Professor Assistant, Senior Researcher of the 2nd Group of the Research Laboratory of the Department of Communications and Automated Control Systems



1. Mikhnionok Е. I. (2020) Method of Image Processing in the Problem of Detecting Moving Objects in Optical-Electronic Surveillance Systems of Thermal Imaging Type. Doklady BGUIR = Doklady BSUIR. 18 (2), 96–104. (in Russian).

2. Mikhnionok Е. I., Khizniak A. V. (2022) Features of the Application of the Detection Algorithm Based on the Background Subtraction Method in the Scanning Optoelectronic Surveillance System. Doklady BGUIR = Doklady BSUIR. 20 (6), 30–36. (in Russian).

3. Mikhnionok Е. I., Khizniak A. V. (2022) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Image Processing in the Task of Detecting Moving Objects by an Optoelectronic Surveillance System. Doklady BGUIR = Doklady BSUIR. 20 (4), 29–35. (in Russian).

4. Mikhnionok Е. I., Khizniak A. V. (2019) An Approach to Assessing the Effectiveness of Technical Means Used to Solve the Tasks of Protecting the State Border]. Proceedings of the Francisk Scorina Gomel State University. Natural Sciences. 3 (114), 112–116 (in Russian).

5. Mikhnionok Е. I., Khizniak A. V. (2022) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Technical Means of the Integrated System of State Border Protection. Bulletin of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus. 3 (76), 31–37 (in Russian).


For citations:

Mikhnionok E.I., Khizniak A.V. Hardware and Software Complex for the Study of the Joint Use of Technical Means Based on Various Physical Principles. Doklady BGUIR. 2023;21(2):68-76. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)