Image Compression Using Walsh Functions
Currently, image transfer and storage require compression. In this article, the hybrid compression algorithm is used for color/black and white images. It includes the discrete wavelet transformation and the Walsh transformation that is used for quantization. The Walsh transform coefficients are quantized and arithmetically encoded. At the output, the combined data is compressed and can be stored on any device or transmitted over any available network in the shortest time. The compressed image is decoded and the original image is decompressed using the inverse conversion operation.
About the Authors
A. A. BudzkoBelarus
Budzko A. А., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor
T. N. Dvornikova
Dvornikova T. N., M.Sci., Senior Lecturer
E. A. Misulin
Misulin E. A., Student
R. U. Snapko
Snapko Roman Ur’evich, Student
Minsk, Rokossovsky Ave., 18/1, fl. 387
Tel. +375 33 632-79-83
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For citations:
Budzko A.A., Dvornikova T.N., Misulin E.A., Snapko R.U. Image Compression Using Walsh Functions. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(7):88-94. (In Russ.)