Specific Design Features of Charge Sensitive Amplifiers on Arsenide-Gallium Master Slice
For the production of integrated analog circuits with a small-scale integration, which are developed to operate at temperatures up to minus 200 ℃ and/or with absorbed dose of gamma radiation up to 5 Mrad, a gallium arsenide master slice has been created. The following types of active elements are used in this master slice: DpHEMT with gate dimensions 100 ηm/0,2 ηm and 10 ηm/0,2 ηm; p-n-p HBT, they were chosen for realization of most common analog circuits of operational amplifiers, comparators, voltage followers. Despite the small number of available DpHEMT with high transconductance for circuit synthesis and volt-ampere characteristics features of DpHEMT experimental samples, which exclude use of those transistors at low drain current, master slice give opportunity for developing charge-sensitive amplifiers (CSA) circuits with only one type of active elements – DpHEMT. At the same time, correct choice of the operating point of transistors provide development of low-noise, high-speed CSAs with better parameters than silicon CSAs for sensors with internal capacitance up to 100 pF. So, developed on GaAs master slice CSA with head DpHEMTs and ratio of the gate width to its length, equal to W/L = 2000 and W/L = 3000, characterized by current consumption ICC = 5,46 mA and ICC = 5,25 mA, rise time tR = 10,7 ns and tR = 9,6 ns, equivalent noise charge ENC = 3960 el, and ENC = 3700 el. with sensor capacitance of 50 pF, while the CSA with a head silicon p-channel junction field-effect transistor has W/L = 3870, ICC = 6,99 mA, tR = 27,7 ns, ENC = 5360 el. with the same sensor capacitance.
About the Authors
O. V. DvornikovBelarus
Dvornikov Oleg V., Dr. of Sci., Associate Professor, Chief Research Scientist
V. A. Tchekhovski
Tchekhovski Vladimir A., Acting Laboratory Manager of Electronic Methods and Experiment Means Laboratory
A. V. Kunts
Kunts Aliaksei Vadimovich, Postgraduate at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Junior Researcher of Electronic Methods and Experiment Means Laboratory of Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University
220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, P. Brovka St., 6
A. A. Paulyuchyk
Paulyuchyk Aliaksei А., Deputy Director for Research and Innovations – Head of SPC “Technology”
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For citations:
Dvornikov O.V., Tchekhovski V.A., Kunts A.V., Paulyuchyk A.A. Specific Design Features of Charge Sensitive Amplifiers on Arsenide-Gallium Master Slice. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(5):57-64. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2022-20-5-57-64