Design Automation of Sheet Materials Cutting Maps in a Production
The article is devoted to the design and use of a software application for the automatic formation of the products layout and the calculation of the criterion "useless material" when cutting sheet materials. A functional model of production for the manufacture of products cut from sheet material is described. This model allows determining the place of the developed application in the production process. The application implements deterministic algorithms and an evolutionary (genetic) cutting algorithm. The results of the study of algorithms for the cutting maps formation according to the time of finding a solution and the criterion of “useless material” are presented. Developed application allows you to find the total area of products, the free area as the difference between the area of sheet material and the total area of products. The software application is written in JavaScript using the React library.
About the Authors
A. I. YakimovBelarus
Yakimov Anatoly I., Dr. of Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Automated Control Systems
212000, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Mira Ave., 43
D. A. Denisevich
Denisevich Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Automated Control Systems
212000, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Mira Ave., 43,
tel. +375 22 2628970; +375-29-245-60-71;
E. A. Yakimov
Yakimov Eugene A., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of Automated Control Systems
212000, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Mira Ave., 43
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For citations:
Yakimov A.I., Denisevich D.A., Yakimov E.A. Design Automation of Sheet Materials Cutting Maps in a Production. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(5):31-39. (In Russ.)