Methodology for Determining the Required Value of the Image Quality Index for Detection Algorithms under Distortion Conditions
The article presents an improved technique for determining the required value of the image quality criterion for detection systems operating under distortion conditions. The calculated level of the quality indicator should be used to determine the fact of image distortion. On the basis of the proposed technique, a method of correlation detection in conditions of "smudge" and "defocusing" type distortions has been developed. The developed method of correlation detection is distinguished by the introduction of three stages: identification of distortions in the current image; formation of the convolution core based on the type and parameters of distortion; calculation of the number of iterations based on the required and current value of the image quality criterion. This made it possible to ensure the operation of the correlation detection method in conditions of distortion.
About the Authors
A. Y. LiplianinBelarus
Liplianin Anton Yur’evich, Lectural at the Department of Automated Control Systems
220057, Minsk, Niezalieznasci Ave., 220
tel. +375-29-504-68-59
A. V. Khiznia
Khizniak A.V., Cand of Sci, Assosiate Professor, Leading Researcher of the 2nd Group at the Research Laboratory of the Department of Communications and Automated Control Systems
220057, Minsk, Niezalieznasci Ave., 220
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For citations:
Liplianin A.Y., Khiznia A.V. Methodology for Determining the Required Value of the Image Quality Index for Detection Algorithms under Distortion Conditions. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(3):69-75. (In Russ.)