Method of Obtaining a Control Low Using a Synergetic Approach for the Problem of Aircraft Guidance Along a Hyperbola
The purpose of the article is to describe the methodology for obtaining the structure of the optimal controller, which guidances the aircraft to the target point along a hyperbola, using the Time Difference of Arrivals (TDoA) from two navigation positions on the plane. A feature of this system is that one TDoA measurement does not allow to fully describe the position of the aircraft on the plane, but only describes the position hyperbola. The guidance problem is solved by choosing a proper hyperbola passing through the target point and letting the aircraft move along this hyperbola to the target. This paper considers the application of the method of synthesis of an aggregated controller to obtain a nonlinear guidance law. This made it possible to take into account the properties of the control object to a larger extent. Computer simulation has shown the effectiveness of the expressions obtained.
About the Authors
V. V. LegkostupBelarus
Legkostup Victor Valer’evich - Researcher
223050, Minsk, v. Korolev Stan, Moskovskaya st., 1 a
tel. +375-25-532-27-25
V. E. Markevich
Cand. of Sci., Deputy Director
223050, Minsk, v. Korolev Stan, Moskovskaya st., 1 a
tel. +375-25-532-27-25
S. A. Shaban
Cand. of Sci., Leading Researcher
223050, Minsk, v. Korolev Stan, Moskovskaya st., 1 a
tel. +375-25-532-27-25
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For citations:
Legkostup V.V., Markevich V.E., Shaban S.A. Method of Obtaining a Control Low Using a Synergetic Approach for the Problem of Aircraft Guidance Along a Hyperbola. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(2):30-38. (In Russ.)