
Doklady BGUIR

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Smoothing Filter With a Variation of Coefficients for Tracking a Maneuvering Aerodynamic Target


The article offers a new filter for tracking a maneuvering aerodynamic target. During the process of the filter synthesis, three main requirements were considered: the filter must provide a minimum smoothing error in the areas without maneuver; the filter should ensure the minimum possible errors and emissions of smoothing error during the maneuver; filter must not contain additional constants, which take into account, for example, the value of input errors, parameters of target maneuver, period of information modification and so on. In order to meet these requirements a two-fold adjustment (variation) of the coefficients smoothing was used in accordance with the deviation of the coordinate of the newly measured position of the target (mark) from the extrapolated position. The variation is performed in accordance with the selected function, while the smoothing step acquires a certain conditional value. The proposed filter modelling has been performed. Received by modelling values of smoothing errors were compared with smoothing errors of other filters, described in scientific literature. The comparison results demonstrate a significant decrease in smoothing of the root mean square errors of coordinates and velocity in the proposed filter in comparison with other samples; with according to main requirements, any “tunes” in proposed filter were not used.

About the Author

U. A. Aparovich
OJSC AGAT – Control Systems – Managing Company of Geoinformation Control Systems Holding

Cand. of Sci., Section Chief.

220114, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave, 117, tel. +375-29-569-41-49


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For citations:

Aparovich U.A. Smoothing Filter With a Variation of Coefficients for Tracking a Maneuvering Aerodynamic Target. Doklady BGUIR. 2022;20(1):22-30. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1729-7648 (Print)
ISSN 2708-0382 (Online)