Photoacoustic effect in micro- and nanostructures: numerical simulations of Lagrange equations
The work provides the description of theoretical and numerical modeling techniques of thermomechanical effects that take place in absorbing micro- and nanostructures of different materials under the action of pulsed laser radiation. A proposed technique of the numerical simulation is based on the solution of equations of motion of continuous media in the form of Lagrange for spatially inhomogeneous media. This model allows calculating fields of temperature, pressure, density, and velocity of the medium depending on the parameters of laser pulses and the characteristics of micro- and nanostructures.
Об авторах
O. G. RomanovБеларусь
Ya. K. Shtykov
I. A. Timoshchenko
Список литературы
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Для цитирования:
Romanov O.G., Shtykov Ya.K., Timoshchenko I.A. Photoacoustic effect in micro- and nanostructures: numerical simulations of Lagrange equations. Доклады БГУИР. 2021;19(8):58-62.
For citation:
Romanov O.G., Shtykov Ya.K., Timoshchenko I.A. Photoacoustic effect in micro- and nanostructures: numerical simulations of Lagrange equations. Doklady BGUIR. 2021;19(8):58-62.